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Among his many responsibilities, Johan is actually finding time to pursue his law degree?!

I WATCH MONSTER AT YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLz3-lGEW1dbKWdGKzEqwmrlZaQa45HLBz




I sympathize with Karl. Receiving money from a parent you don't have a bond with or even like would be difficult mentally. especially if you believed that if your father had been there, he could have saved your mother from being a prostitute, she wouldn't have had to send you away, and she wouldn't have been murdered. Now Johan's here? xD Karl buddy.... just run

Phillip Ribbink

It's interesting that Johan is majoring in law, since that's what Nina/Anna was studying at Heidelberg before he showed up. There've been cases where twins were separated at birth and grew up to go into similar lines of work. Maybe this is a similar case, only Johan's got "the monster" inside him to add a hobby of murder and performing experiments in human behaviour.


As an attorney myself, this is the most unbelievable part of the story. Having time to be a crime kingpin AND be a law student? Lies!