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Ippo rose from the water and got this win just in time for me! The ocean analogies were about to kill me!  :-D



J Johnson

Yea, one of the less thrilling fights as it's very straight forward, who can take a better punch in the face. But don't worry, in next few episodes, the most legendary boxing technique in the world will be born :p

Andrew Lolavar

Curtis i kid you not you will love the next 4 BIG fights. They are all different and unique in their own way


I love how some of Ippo's opponents tend to say screw this and retire after fighting him!


I didn't feel like Ippo was in that much trouble in this match, especially when we had fights like Lalapalooza and his fight against Date. I also feel like they focused way too much on the Dempsey Roll. Especially because 2 matches ago Ippo fought Barf Boy and him not being able to use it wasn't that big of a deal.