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The Bloody Cross is a legit strategy that could only be incorporated by a REALLY sharp fighter! This guy fits the bill!




Hey man. Haven't watched the video yet, but I found a really interesting video about right straight/cross terminology and which is used depending on punching technique and body posture. Hope you like it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JgiFPvOI8rM Hope you're having a nice day! :)


I love listening to your analysis of the techniques in these matches Curtis! It makes the anime more enjoyable.


As far as Arnie looking a little hillbilly - gotta remember this all still takes place around like the early nineties so mullets were still more common lol


I actually did some research about that after we were talking about it earlier in the series. It seems that a traditional definition is calling it a cross because it crosses the other fighter's punching line. We had always called it a cross because it's thrown with your back (power) hand to be delivered and therefore had to cross your body. It's basically the same thing, as it's always a long strike with the power hand, but just a bit of difference in the particulars. :-)


Thanks, My Friend! As a huge boxing/fighting fan, it's a blast seeing these characters go through the machinations of a fight!


One thing I always liked about miyata is that despite his "cool" persona, hes always been probably the most prideful character in the entire series. Hed rather put himself through hell and nearly die fighting than back down from even the smallest challenge. Thats the whole reason he refueses to leave featherweight; he doesnt want to "run away" from a potential fight with ippo. Even if that looks counterproductive from the outside, things like that are important to him, and its exactly that pride that gives him his strength in the ring. So it makes sense that if someone were to target his counterpunch, the punch that he considers his best weapon and a keepsake from his fathers boxing carreer, and use it as a trap to take him down, miyata would be ABSOLUTELY FUCKING FURIOUS about it. Hes just a really well written character.