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Damn, the boys are giving out some tough grades! I think the role-playing girls were awesome and the Succubi were badass!




I think for the halfling guy the cow-girl's bad acting was ruining his experience and I can understand the 6, but as for Stunk and Zel I would have given at least 8.. That was definitely not a place for Crim so his number was understandable... And hitting an actual succubus joint would help me get my mind out of gutter every now and then. Unfortunately they don't exists...

Phillip Ribbink

I love Roleplaying place was awesome, my only complaint was all the leather, chains, whips and rope. S&M isn't really my thing. The Succubus place is great too, only complaint is all the mayonnaise. Damn, I imagine after a trip there you'd have some incredible post-nut clarity.

Mighty Snake

At the end of Curtis's trip to the succubi place he's gonna have to yell for his dick to get back up like it's the end of Rocky 2. And just like Rocky 2 I'm sure the whole thing will be awesome.


I agree with Cirtis. I'd have rated both places an 8. For the role play, I'd rather play a heroic knight who rescues the prisoners. After we escape, they'd ALL thank me in bed. 😉