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WHOA! That number may be a bit tough to handle, even for the Meliodas team of Shadow Clones!

I WATCH 7 DEADLY SINS AT NETFLIX: https://www.netflix.com/title/80050063




Like Galand said himself, this is just warm-up match... 😅

Christopher Johnson

I really didn’t like the introduction of power levels. It felt like they were trying to rip off DBZ and just have a cheap way to build up fear for the commandments. It feels like the author is saying “tell don’t show” to see how strong people are. Instead of King’s awesome scene, the viewer is drawn to linger on Galands power level which just feels kinda cheap to me. I do love this show though, and can’t wait for the rest of this season.


Power levels are never a good idea, instead of a ramping of cool powers we simply have bigger numbers.


You are going to be calling for Galands balls on a silver platter next episode.

Freddy Jimenez

ITS OVER 9000!!!!!..... OK I’m done. Now start the training arc like other shows I guess lol


Yeah, the first season really gets you used to the Seven Deadly Sins being the strongest beings around. And then they flip that on its head with a hearty ol' maniacal laugh.


I'd say that's quite a bit over 9000


curtis' face in the thumbnail is literally the most "oh for fucks sake" face ive ever seen 😂😂😂


Big time! These Commandments are already insanely intimidating, and I know very little about them!

Ultra Power

King is the best character hands down, and this episode is part of the reason why


It's over 9000. Impossible!


So Galand's power already exceeds the seven deadly sins powers by a substantial amount and this is while his power is depleted from being sealed for 3,000 years...this does not bode well.


Remember how I said that King's weapon was bullshit? Yeah, last season wasn't enough, they had to give him a whole new tier above it just to be safe. Seriously, only one other weapon in the series comes remotely close to this, and I'm very much including everything in the later half of the manga. Why, of all things, is this guy, the 'I'm all magic and literally cat tier in close combat' guy, the only one who gets a weapon that has no less than 20 forms through the series. Just blows my mind. Now, that probably sounds like I'm complaining, but I'm honestly fine with it. Just confused why King gets new powers every single arc while everyone else gets better at using their powers from the previous arc. I'd have preferred that a few of these little tricks got passed out to some of the others every now and then. And I know the canon reason, but that doesn't' make it any less bullshit. Not to mention its a bit of a plot hole. Someone wanna run by me why King didn't bust out True Spirit Spear against Hendrickson? Might've stopped this whole plot given that Albion was a fuck ton stronger than Grey Demon Hendrickson, and he was literally vaporized on contact.

James Merlaut

It's not a plot hole at all. King simply couldn't cast True Spirit Spear against Grey Hendrickson. It left him physically exhausted and wounded before he could even use it, but when he started growing his wings he had become strong enough to endure the side effects. King was already weak when fighting Hendrickson, so using True Spirit Spear would have killed him.

James Merlaut

Additonally, the power level of an Albion is 5500, and Hendricksons power level in his Grey Demon form was 5800, so an Albion wasn't even stronger than Hendrickson, let alone a fuck ton.


I mean, he was beat pretty bad here too, and I'm reasonably sure that he took more direct hits from Albion than he did from Hendrickson. Sure, Hendrickson was fought immediately after Helbram, and Helbram beat the everloving shit out of him, but even if he had taken more damage and couldn't use it, he never even tried? When Diane was getting blasted around and was about to die, he never thought "fuck it, it might kill me, but damn it I'm killing him too.". And halfway through the fight, he got healed by Elizabeth, rendering it moot since if he was too weak to use it before that, he should have been able to afterwards.


I stand corrected. For some reason I was thinking the Albions were around 7k, but you are indeed correct. Still, the point remains if the True Spirit Spear could one shot Albion and vaporize it, I find it hard to believe Hendrickson would survive.

James Merlaut

Hmm... that one is a bit of an iffy one to answer. That's because it's like saying you can hit the bullseye of a moving target just because you hit it when it was stationary. Hendrickson wouldn't exactly stand there and take it, and he wasn't exactly slow either. On top of that, the issue remains that King wasn't able to conjure up a True Spirit Spear Chastifold because healing doesn't equate to energised either; his wounds were healed but physically he was still exhausted, and again in that condition, it would've killed him before he could use it.


I cant say why he didn't at least try to use it in the Hendrickson fight but I think a reason can be that as we saw here it looks like he was hoping and praying it would work, and he didn't even know if it would or not.