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DAMN! I know Askeladd has to ensure that he and his men survive, but this was stunningly brutal!





This was easily the most difficult to watch episode of the season for me but at the same time it is the episode that convinced me that I need to read the manga for this.

Miklar Sihn

This was pretty standard fare for everyone at the time. Hell, the british army did the same to british citizens when in need.

Jake from SF

I can understand why she feels so elated. All this time she was scared of Gods judgement because of her "evil" action of stealing the ring. To see people slaughter her village, from her perspective without a second thought, and not be scared of Gods judgment gave her a sense of relief. Made her happy that she's not alone in the world of "evil". Prior she felt alone because everyone in her family, and presumably her village, did everything "by the book". I kind of got the sense that she could renounce her faith. I don't know if she would go that far but at the very least she may not live to Gods plan so strictly.


One of the most brutal, and yet also in my opinion one of the best, episodes of this season. The whole thing is just heartbreaking.


I have only watched this series once but with all the knowledge from later episodes, i really could appreciate this episode 10 times more than the first time i watched it. Especially the stuff with the priest

Daniel Gonzalez

As messed up as it is the Vikings probably did them a mercy by killing them the guy said without food they wouldn't survive the winter just imagine slowly starving to death with your family in the winter once theyd taken their food it was the only option really

Miklar Sihn

Actually, they would probably have ended up eating their friends and family. Pretty much the only thing worse than the slow starving because of what it would do to them and how others saw them for the short time it would extend their lives.


Wow this show is on a category of its own as far as feels...geez


No it wasn't that she "renounced her faith" she was relieved because she realized that stealing the ring was nothing compared to true evil in the world and feels better about being accepted by God

Phillip Ribbink

I'm probably a bad person for saying this but when I was first reading the Manga I was really fond of Askeladd, Bjorn and the rest of the gang. Even when they did shit like this, I usually gave them the benefit of the doubt. In this case the slaughter of the villagers, I was kind of happy to see them go. Largely because I was going through that angsty High School atheist phase, so their constant God-Bothering pissed me off. Now that I'm older, I'm honestly kind of shocked by Bjorn's actions when they first come demanding food.

Rogue Agent

The priest got beaten up because he was warning the villagers to evacuate. Perhaps what spurred him on to do that was what he heard of Thors where a true warrior doesn't need a sword. So he probably tried to do something here himself.