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King's protection of Diane was badass! However, things are still not going too well for the Sins!

I WATCH 7 DEADLY SINS AT NETFLIX: https://www.netflix.com/title/80050063




I was thinking of Messaging curtis but I figured I would ask here first do y'all think he should watch the 4 episode season of Signs of the Holy War,its mixed Canon and Filler and can be easily skipped


Absolutely. There is important canon information in them and they set up season 2 really well, even if a lot of it is filler.

Ultra Power

I love Helbram vs King because both characters are messed up, Helbram mentally and King emotionally, and to see the two sides clash is brilliant.


21 episodes left until THE ONE


The disrespect at the start. "What are our odds of winning?" "Against a Grand Master, a Cardinal and a Diamond? Zero. Oh, and I guess Jericho is there too, but let's be honest, we'll take her out by accident trying not to die against the other three." I'm with Dreyfus. I'd rather fight the rest of the Sins at the same time than have Gowther trying to kill me. It wouldn't be a long fight either way, but at least I won't have to worry about my mind destroying itself as my darkest memories eat away at my psyche until there's nothing left. Unironically, King is the strongest of the sins at this moment. Gowther doesn't have the direct combat power of the other sins, Meliodas and Ban don't have their sacred treasures, which greatly hinders their abilities, and Diane, while physically strong, she doesn't have the combat sense to fight an even battle against opponents who are her equal. She'll mow through mooks, sure, but Dreyfus basically 1v1 her despite not being nearly as strong. And it doesn't hurt that King's Sacred Treasure is bullshit. Diane has a giant war hammer. Gowther has an energy bow. Meliodas has a sword that spoilers. King has a spear, a teddy bear, a swarm of knives, a shield that heals, massive fuck all sunflower laser beam, and just in case you're physically incapable of dying, it can also petrify you. All that, and there's still a couple of abilities that haven't been shown. Seems fair.


When Escanor?

Lachlan Ferrand

Btw in the seven deadly schmucks (the abridged version) margaret has the voice of filthy frank it is really odd


So looking forward to next episode. Favorite backstory. Favorite character. 😍🤗😭


I personally don't like it just for the implications. I know it's different than humans but still.