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I know he says he's working to save the universe, but I don't trust Kyubey and I'm liking him less all the time!

I WATCH PUELLA MAGI MADOKA MAGICA AT VRV:  https://vrv.co/series/GRDQK39GY/Puella-Magi-Madoka-Magica  



Jamir Dixon

That ending song for the last episode hit me hard in the feels you should def listen to it in your own time


One of my favorite parts of Kyubey's character is how much he manipulates and deceives while only telling strictly the truth. Look back over everything he's said; he's not a liar. The most shining example of this so far is now what he said to Kyoko. Kyoko asks if Sayaka can be saved, if she can be turned back into a normal girl, and no longer be a witch. "It's never been done." He doesn't tell her it's impossible; he just says it's never been done. And yet, when Homura asks at the end of the episode, he's all "pfft fuck no, it's impossible, dumb bitch should've known that."

Evgeny Karimov

The purpose of an incubator is to make sure that eggs will hatch. Did you notice that soul gems are egg-shaped?


Yea, my distrust in him is that I just get the feel he would only tell part of a story if it would advance his agenda. 😊


I wasn't expecting these 2 episodes as well today, awesome! This reaction was great btw, made me remember why this is a top 3 anime for me. These episodes are so good, I'm guessing you can see why I wanted the 3 of these in 1 month, they just felt like 1 big episode to finish off the Kyoko and Sayaka arc and it would be evil to make you wait a month between these lol. I'll keep this as short as I can otherwise this will turn into a novel. Ep 8: So we learned magical girls turn into witches as Kyubey says. This is easier to see if you look at some japanese wordplay. The japanese word for witches is Majo, and for magical girls it is Mahou Shoujo... (Ma... .....jo). I also like to look at it as witches are basically magical women, and clearly girls age into women, so magical girls -> magical women. Also some more wordplay which you may have noticed already, we have Incubator... In-cu-ba-tor, cu-bae... We also get a mention of timelines in this episode, so I thought it was perfect timing for you to start watching Steins;Gate while watching this too lol. Funny enough they both aired the same year(2011), with Madoka airing the season before Steins;Gate. Ep 9: This show is full of symbolism that I haven't gotten into or else these would be way too long, but one I'd like to point out is that Sayaka's witch is a mermaid. Her story closely resembles the original tragic story of The Little Mermaid from 1837 which I will quickly summarize by saying the mermaid falls in love with a human that she saves, decides to make a wish with the sea witch to become human so she can be with her love, but when she goes to be with him he ends up choosing and marrying someone else, so because of her contract with the sea witch, The Little Mermaid dies and turns into foam. One of the best things about episodes 7-9 is the complete change in Kyoko's character, it shot her up to being my favourite character in this show along with Homura. But this is the reason I sent her backstory with Mami in that last episode, it explains why this change was so quick for her. Instead of changing into a new person, she's pretty much just reverting into who she was before she tried to hide all of this suffering by acting tough and uncaring, making it much easier for this change to occur. All it would need is a trigger for her to revert into who she really is and drop the psycho act. We also saw this hinted at when she said that she loves those stories where love and courage triumphs and Sayaka made her remember that. Then we have Kyoko's sacrifice, Kyoko didn't need to do it, she could have killed Sayaka and moved on, but doing that would leave Sayaka alone. So here we have the death of 2 of our main characters, and now all we have is Homura and Madoka. The ending theme is sung by their japanese voice actors and is supposed to be their character song, so just more punches to the feels to end the episode, assholes. Obligatory Kyubey is a dickhead.


Your breakdowns/insights are a GREAT addition to the enjoyment of watching the show! Thanks, My Friend. 😊


Can we all just take the time to appreciate that Homura has THE weirdest living room ever? I mean, in this show a lot of strange decisions with the interior decoration have been made, but Homura's house is the undesputed winner in that reguard! I am glad, that we have reached this point in the story now. Not just because of all the explanations that were dumped on us, but also because these last 4 episodes are the reason Kyoko is my favorit character in this show. :) Have fun with all the vell done insanity that is yet to come. ;)


I'm sorry but I need to say this: ZA WARUDO!!!


A not-so-fun fact is that the conversation between those two assholes on the train actually is based on a real conversation the writer heard on his way to work one day... You think it was fun seeing Kyubey get shot? Well you're certainly not the only one. In fact, someone thought it was so fun they made a basic flash game were you can shoot him as much as you want :P http://3-me.net/flashdir/shootqb/ Speaking of Kyubey, when it comes to his morality you could say that he is a utilitarian taken to the extreme. He only cares about maximizing overall welfare and doesn't care a single bit about the atrocities needed to get there (as in, he's not mentally able to even TRY to care). Also, I really need to get "If you ever feel like dying for the sake of the Universe, call me! :D" on a T-Shirt one of these days :P As Bored pointed out there is plenty of symbolism to Sayaka's witch form. It's far from the only one that has that kind of symbolism though, if you go pack to the previous ones you can make a ton of speculations about what their stories are. Something I really like about the complete failure to save Sayaka here is that it goes so against what one might come to expect from previous works. In most other shows it certainly WOULD work against all odds (maybe not necessarily ending with her alive but at least letting her die as herself). But nope, not here. Here the whole thing was utterly pointless and just resulted in one more of them dying. And finally a friendly reminder that this series was originally marketed as just another cutesy slice of life magical girl show with no significantly dark undertones whatsoever :3