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I am SO psyched to be at the time skip!... Now, please proceed to kick the shit out of the fake Straw Hats, Luffy!   :-D

I WATCH ONE PIECE ON VRV: vrv.co/series/GRMG8ZQZR/One-Piece  




So the scar came from when akainu threw the fist if lava at jimbei and luffy, its the attack that went thru jimbeis body and hit him we just never saw it pre time skip bc after that his whole body was covered in bandages

Brother E

If Curtis had a Timeskip he’d lose about 150 lbs.

Andrew Lolavar

Idk Curtis, you may not have a shot at the real nami but I think you got a pretty good shot at that fake one :p


also fun fact I just remembered after hearing the voices, all the fake straw hats have the real straw hats voices.... just in diffrent body's, like fake nami is choppers voice, and fake luffy is sanji's voice, fake sogeking is frankys voice.


We're getting into the good stuff now, the next few reactions are going to be awesome!


Here is my theory on how zoro got there first': Hawkeye was so badass he only needed 6 months to get him op and zoro spent a year and a half trying to figure out how to get back. Hell he probably found one piece and was like "Treasure? This ain't the sunny"


I love these couple episodes with the fake strewhats and the gang getting back together


Dude have you seen his arms some veins are popping out I think we're having our time skip rn. the question is who gets to be Rayleigh.....

White Lightning

Just for a little context all of the events that took place before the time skip happened in the span of like 7-8 months. Meaning that the straw hats spent more time separated then they’ve been a crew


Check out the new opening when ya can curtis! It's a feels puncher!


I had a feeling that hug for ussopp would leave you speechless


The barkeep getting paid is filler btw. I mean, Nami would definitely not pay anyone if she could avoid it and Usopp was on a flesh-eating flower for two years. He shouldn't own any money at all right now xD That's always kinda bothered me, especially since the straw hats' spending money is something Nami usually manages. Not that it matters in any way, but it sticks out to me personally ;D


Let's GOOOOO! Btw, Luffy's scar is from your best boi, Captain Magma when he punched through Jinbe and nailed Luffy in the chest, I saw you ask about it, figured I'd mention it


Lowkey that's how I view people cosplaying anime characters. Exactly like that


The scar is from when fuckface magma punched through Jinbei


Did you notice that the fake Straw Hats are voiced from the real ones, but swapped around.


I cant wait til we see Nami again just saying


Also if it wasn't obvious those recruitment fliers were made by the fake Strawhats.

Daniel Lima

It reminded me of the Fake Diesel and Fake Razor of the WWE xD

Jake from SF

Just like that Usopp got to titty-fuck Nami with his nose and that right there is by far more action than Sanji will ever receive from Nami, Robin, or really any woman for that matter. 😂😂😂


I wonder if curtis catched the swapping of voice actors of the fake and real strawhats :D


God damn, the Straw Hats really let themselves go. Just look how fat and ugly Luffy and Nami got over those two years! Poor Franky, somehow managed to go from pervert to pedophile! At least Sogeking is back but he's not as beefy than I remember. Seriously though, Usopp definitely glowed up the most. He actually looks the part of being "a great warrior of the sea", now. Chopper somehow managed to become an even sweeter little cinnamon roll. Hell, I think I got diabetes from seeing him like this. Robin has fully adopted the milf look and I'm not complaining one bit. Nami is starting to look just like her adoptive mom, just with humongous hungolomghnonoloughongous. Can't wait to see your reaction to Zoro's badass new look that fits his personality flawlessly. Brook evolved from simple violinist to the Michael Jackson of soul music. Franky... if you don't like his new design, it DOES grow on you. Sanji looks so much more mature and that fits because other than Robin, he was already the most mature and refined of the Straw Hats. Luffy don't look like a little kid, anymore. He's bigger, faster and stronger too. He's the first member of the DK crew!... I mean Straw Hat crew.


Finally! The time skip!! One of my favorite parts of One Piece! I mean sure Nami was sexy before but when I saw her after time skip... damn

michael Worley

Roughly 588 days till we catch up to the current episode :)