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The connection between Iris and Violet is SO cool! It goes much deeper than both being named after flowers.  :-)

 I WATCH VIOLET EVERGARDEN AT NETFLIX:  https://www.netflix.com/title/80182123  



Tony Gilbert King

Im watching this for the first time with you this is not the kind of story i usually enjoy but its captivating Im surprised I've never heard of it

Phillip Ribbink

There's a lot of blame to go around this episode. On the one hand Iris' parents are being incredibly pushy about the whole getting married thing. Which I don't think is such a terrible thing and it obviously comes from a place of love. However it's the way they're trying to force it rather than allow it to grow naturally. Then you have Iris for lying to her family. Generally behaving like a spoiled brat from the moment she gets there. And the list goes on.