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Thanks to the incredible support from you guys, things are moving along quickly with getting our vids posted again! So many people offered to help with downloading/compressing the files from Vimeo that I will have multiple copies of much of the library, which is REALLY a comforting feeling for me!... I can't thank you guys enough!

The vids are coming in to me now. Some I am downloading from those who fetched them for me, and others are being mailed to me on portable hard drives. As I get the vids and they are ready to view, I will be zipping them up in packages of 10-20 videos per file, all labeled and sorted into the specific series. I'll then make those download links available to you guys.

EVERYTHING will be back... There will be download links for all the vids, up to yesterday's postings.

I have also allocated some of the transfer bandwidth I pay for at Mega to be available for you guys to use when downloading. Let me know if you guys are running into any issues with bandwidth, as I will upgrade my account and allot even more space for you.  :-)

Thanks again SO MUCH to all of you guys who are sticking with me through this rough stretch, and again a huge thanks to all of you who jumped right up with offers of assistance! I will NEVER have a place that I love the way I love THE GOOSH! 


Brother E

Of course we support you just finishing my share of the videos. Curious to know about how much of the 1200 videos have you recovered so far?


Between everyone, all the vids are covered. I'm going to get all - or most - of them in before I start going through them and determining which ones to use, as some are compressed and others aren't. The uncompressed ones I'll compress down myself. :-)


Nice! Everything's going well then, I'll send my last few zips when I'm back home


Im so glad to hear that Curtis!! hope everything turns out fine :)!