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The battle for all the marbles will be soon at hand and Aang is having serious doubts about what he will be able to do! I understand the Avatar is bound to have misgivings about taking a life, but damn, what are the alternatives?!

I WATCH AVATAR: THE LAST AIRBENDER AT AMAZON PRIME: amazon.com/The-Boy-in-the-Iceberg/dp/B000GFD4C0/



The battle for all the marbles will be soon at hand and Aang is having serious doubts about what he will be able to do! I understand the Avatar is bound to have misgivings about taking a life, but damn, what are the alternatives?!


Heavenly Demon

Will you be watching legend of Korra after this? idk if you know anything about it but, it takes place after Avatar , no spoilers but its pretty good and more adult themed


Aang has never been a violent person HELL his main combat style is avoiding a fight. Also the greater good thing is a two way street that plenty of people have used before to defend actions. You yourself curtis have gone against villains who used the greater good as a reason for their actions. Basically Aang is a 12 year old kid raised and taught by ultra pacifist and has never inherently taken a life. He even told the Guru how he still felt horrible how he attacked those earth soldiers when forced in the avatar state. And he just injured them there. THis is a problem a lot of people have when they get to these episodes many forget Aang NEVER wants to fight at all.

Chris Peacock

Yeah. It is not Aang being the Avatar that makes him not want to take a life. It is his upbringing. For all intents and purposes, Aang was raised by Gandhi. The Last Airbender can’t kill Ozai. The Avatar doesn’t have a problem with it at all.

Lewd Angel

As other people have mentioned, its not his Avatar status thats against him killing Ozai, its his upbringing. Plus, the 'greater good' excuse is usually the easy way out in every case. You remember Naruto don't you? Remember how he wanted to kill Pain for what he did to the Leaf until he heard his reasoning and later Nagatos backstory? Thats the point, doing something bad, especially something like taking a life and then proclaiming it was for the greater good so you could sleep better at night without even attempting to look for an alternative when you actually have the chance is more lazy than anything, and its definitely not the way Aang was trained by the air nomads.


I know it's annoying, but you gotta see Aangs poit of view here. The Air Nomads are all about pacifism and inner harmony and shit, they're vegetarian because they believe all life is sacred. Don't think Aang is taking his duty as the Avatar lightly or that he's pussying out of killing someone because he's a little kid. It's rather that killing is just not a thing in the socity that raised him, and in doing so, he would not only betray his own set of values, but his cultural identity. Remember that as the last airbender, he bears also the weight of keeping the memory of his dead civilisation alive. Anyway, a lot of people don't like this arc, but personally I think it comes to a satisfying conclusion.


Yeah, you missed the part where he explains the main reason why. He was raised as a vegetarian monk. He's young, clings very strongly to their teachings, and, because they are dead now, takes great pride in their way of life. Killing goes against his whole vision of himself. While I, and even the other characters agree with you. It makes total sense that Aang specifically is struggling with this.

Chris D. Jones

Asking aang to kill is like asking the Dalai Lama to kill. Which aang is loosely based off of. It’s against his upbringing and his core values. He’s a monk.


Also to note, something that AOT is just covering, never force your beliefs on a kid, they will reject it. Especially on a 12 year old who never wanted to be the Avatar in the first place and hasn’t been known as an Avatar for even a year. It’s pretty amazing the mental state Aang is right now, from the beginning, knowing your life is about to change, ran away, a century has pass and your in the future, you have to fight a war, all your people are extinct, and now you have to kill a lord. All in less then a year, great.


Guys, I’m not sure why everyone thinks I don’t understand Aang’s struggle. I get it... My comments were that he needs to weigh the greater good against those strongly held beliefs... Except where I was talking about what I would specially do in that situation. We all know I’m all about handling things with the necessary amount of violence. 😄


I can’t wait till Aang kills the fire lord and eats him.


I really like the next episode. Seriously cool with a special someone we get to see.


I think everyone is just making sure you get the full context and that's about it. At least that's what it seems like to me.


I like how so many minor characters introduced in the series make a comeback at some point. June the bounty hunter is always a treat to see again. As for the whole killing thing, it looks like other people have explained that ad nauseam so I won't reiterate here.


and this is why I dislike Aang and why Avatar is not on my favorite list. All this time, Aang had no trouble killing hundreds of fire nation soldiers (and don't tell me all those guys in the invasion and all the sailors in the north pole fleet survived somehow, cause that's bullshit), and now he is the goody two shoes that doesn't want to end the biggest threat to humanity. Hypocritical BS. I know it is a kids show and they can't really have the main character outright kill the villain, but it just feels like such a disconnect to the rest of the series...


I could ship Toph and Zuko.

Lewd Angel

Just because you consider it bullshit doesn't mean its an actual disconnect to the rest of the series. Aang never really 'killed' anyone. Plenty of injuries, some of the north pole invaders were sent to the spirit world like Zhao, but nobody was killed. He was in the Avatar state when he did those things, hence it wasn't under his control, hence there is no disconnect to the rest of the series. What you believe to be the case doesn't matter at all to whats actually canon.

Freddy Jimenez

Mark Hamel as the fire lord is so good

Ben Wilder

You might like the Avatar comics


whoever said violence never solved anything, wasn't using enough violence


The song that plays when on the [spoiler name] is an actual Buddhist chant btw.


I never understood why it was such a problem for aang not to kill the fire lord. Just knock him our and have sokka kill him. Or have toph bend metal around his body so he can never move again. There are dozens of ways to do this.


The explanation is rather simple: this is a kid show, that's why they won't let Aang kill someone. If you think about it, no character was killed on screen in the whole show. That's why Jet's "death?" became such a meme. It's one thing to kill off some characters off screen or before the series even started but it's another to let Aang (the protaganist) kill the vilain.

Miklar Sihn

The part of this episode that keeps sticking in my head is toph as the melon lord. It is just the best showing of toph having fun.


Spaz boy is this the first or second time you have seen the bounty hunter girl


What you're missing is that Aang is a little kid who was raised by pacifist monks to believe in the sanctity of all life, to the point where he won't even eat meat. Rationally, he knows that Ozai is too dangerous to live, but that doesn't change the fact that it feels as inherently *wrong* to him; seeing the image of Ozai as a happy baby just reinforces this sense of wrongness.


You gotta remember one detail for this episode: Aang is still just a kid. A child. A young boy who was taught his entire life to never kill another living thing and to live as a pacifist. Just look back at all the fights he's been in.. his fighting style is all about evading attacks and immobilizing/disabling/disarming his enemies. Other than when he lost Appa, he has never willingly maimed his opponent (Avatar State doesn't count because he's not in control of his body).

Gabriel Phipps

Everyone is talking about something Curtis might have missed mean while I’m over here laughing at Melon Lord Toph.


Ohh the next episode is about to be lit