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Lucy was doing a pretty masterful job, adapting to life above ground... But how will Max do in the Vaults?!

I WATCH FALLOUT AT AMAZON: https://www.amazon.com/Fallout-Season-1/dp/B0CN4GGGQ2




I wasn't fully mad at Thaddeus my first time watching it and I'm really not at all now. If he signs up with Max, he'd be setting himself up as an accomplice to Max's semi crime of allowing Titus to die and the BoS WILL find out eventually. Mind you, Titus was a POS and honestly deserved what he got. Lucy embodies what most Fallout Players end up becoming. Initially a fish out of water, but enough exposure and they adapt and then make the wasteland their playground. I could be mistaken, but I think the Overseers pre-determine their successors/have back up Overseers and add strawmen with the illusion of an election so people believe they're getting a say in who leads them. Vault-Tec likely chose the initial overseers and instructed them to essentially make a Yes man to the overall agenda of the vaults' purposes. The one main redeeming quality of the BoS is that they do want to safeguard technology to prevent another armageddon, albeit they're messiahs who think only they should have access to the tech and consider most wastelanders as ignorant savages. Mind you, they seldom attack non-radiated people unless they're slavers, raiders, or Fiends(Drug addicts with psychopathic tendencies that eat other people). Their biggest flaw is that they're bigots towards all radiated lifeforms such as ghouls.