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This kid's a pain in the ass! The corner he gets sent to should be in an alternate dimension!

I WATCH BATMAN TAS AT AMAZON: https://www.amazon.com/gp/video/detail/B001BXQ97I/




having an episode with Etrigan and Klarion the Witch Boy was a bit surprising, Batman TAS is... fairly grounded might not be the right term, but nearly all of our prior villains are tech and science based, they haven't been potentially world ending extradimensional magic users like these two. This is probably the most bratty I've seen Klarion as well, he's usually slightly more mature, still hateable though, it does feel odd for Batman, but it's a nice one off. I feel like this episode is the creators slowly starting to tease the wider DC universe they were starting to set up with Justice League, given the threats in that one are a lot bigger.


The animation in this episode was even better than usual thanks to being directed by Atsuko Tanaka who's been a key animator for Hayao Miyazaki's movies since the 70s.