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It's time for everything to be decided!

I WATCH FAIRY TAIL AT CRUNCHY: https://www.crunchyroll.com/series/G6DQDD3WR/fairy-tail




An accumulation of an entire kingdom's worth of magic power and on top of that Alvarez is joining our gang in containing Acnologia. If Wrestlemania 40's main event was the most overbooked main event of all time, then this final push at Acnologia is the most overbooked anime final boss fight. XD So yeah lemmie break this all down: 18:25 Twilight Ogre, minor antagonists from the GMG arc that all collectively turned face once Fairy Tail won the GMG Tourny. 18:33 Quatro Pupp- Err Quatro Cerberus 18:44 The Wizard Saints; namely the current top 4 of the bunch 18:46 Mermaid Heel aka Kagura's guildmates 18:52 Princess Hisui from the GMG arc alongside The King, The Minister, and The Colonel and shortly there after the Executioners whom I shall continue referring to as "Padding, padding, Padding!" 19:00 The Demons from Galuna Island from WAAAAYYY back in the early arcs where Lyon was the main baddie. 19:02 Bora(first antagonist of the entire series!), and two of the former Phantom Lord members that were Gajeel's underlings followed by Juvia's former cohorts in the Elemental 4 of Phantom Lord 19:05 Sho and Wally from The Tower of Heaven Arc aka Erza's childhood friends 19:10 Daphne, an antagonist who is from a filler arc. She's honestly forgetable. 19:15 I forget the guy's name, but he is a shapeshifter who was a criminal that won the affections of a nobleman's daughter aka the woman he is standing next to. It's actually not too bad of a filler episode. 19:17 You dodged a bullet with these three mooks. They are known as The Butt Jiggle gang... I do not know what possessed the studio to make these idiots, but they are filler/anime only characters alongside the Creeper from Minecraft and the old guy. 19:19 The girl there is a filler character who was a Celestial spirit wizard, but she lost her magic. Filler character. The guys you see after her are also filler only characters who were friends of Lucy's dad. 19:22 The earthland versions of the Edolas antagonists minus the guy on far right and the exceed on the far left. Filler characters from an arc that I believe takes place after Tenrou and before GMG 19:24 Twilight Ogre chick and The Guy on the dolphin is another dumb filler character. 19:26 Blond dood is a reporter for Sorceror weekly and the purple haired guy was a commentator for GMG and is the owner of a theatre. I think you watched the episode he debuted in. 19:27 Yajima, the fookin legend, and Michello both are former council members. Good to see Michello be useful for a change. 19:28 The treasure hunters from the short arc before Tartaros. They were the initial baddies where Corona showed up and saved Lucy and Wendy.


19:17 but isn't seeing Erza in that outfit worth the arc?

Lewd Angel

Some people underplay the power scaling of this universe, but the fact it takes an entire continent worth of magicians PLUS extra from the Alvarez empire just to CONTAIN Acnologia, since they physically cannot defeat his body, is an insane feat of power.