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Well, both battles are looking like total squashes right now! Something big needs to turn the tide!

I WATCH FAIRY TAIL AT CRUNCHY: https://www.crunchyroll.com/series/G6DQDD3WR/fairy-tail




Ugh... I forgot about Acnologia's backstory... *Inhales* I honestly do not think Acnologia needs a backstory where he was once a doctor and cared about dragons, but then turned around and became a world destroyer. I like Acnologia as this power driven monster villain who just wants to stomp on everyone and everything simply because he can. His drive to wipe dragons out can be as simple as they're the strongest creatures alive, therefore, I kill them all and then I become the strongest. I don't understand what made Mashima want to humanize Acnologia with a backstory, a rushed one at that. On the flipside, he did do a good job at selling how big of a monster Acnologia is since its taking literally every living wizard alive just to hold a front line against him. It also tells the contrast between him and Zeref; Zeref was powerful, but he was not an experienced fighter. He was more like a wise and knowledgeable sorceror, hence why I can believe Natsu was able to solo him. Natsu's probably gained more fighting experience in his 19-ish years of living than Zeref has in his 400+. Acnologia on the other hand is a savage conqueror of beasts and dragons and this dood has been cooking for 400 years. So, yeah, I buy that this bastard is the final boss.