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Well, that was a major disappointment! I wanted the female Phantom of the Opera!

I WATCH BATMAN TAS AT AMAZON: https://www.amazon.com/gp/video/detail/B001BXQ97I/




Calendar Girl was voiced by Sela Ward, an actress who, like her animated counterpart, is celebrated for having retained her beauty at an old age. At the time, she was conducting a campaign of protest against ageism in Hollywood, and later she produced a documentary depicting Hollywood's obsession with youth and its harmful effects on public perception. Her appearance in this episode could be construed as part of the same campaign.


I'm a little conflicted on the episode messaging honestly, I think its heart is in the right place, bringing up what these stars go through and how kind of expendable they are to Hollywood, but they do usually go into that system willingly so you do have to accept your own choices, I mean it's not just Hollywood that's like that, sports and other industries kind of have the same thing, you have a short time were you'll be at the top of your game, and when you get older it becomes far harder to compete, it's sad but it's a fact of life. If they wanted to do a message episode about the issues with Hollywood they should have focused more on the sleezy executives like that one on the "casting couch". all the advance tech in Gotham kind of makes sense when you think about the larger context of the series, this series takes place in the same universe as Superman TAS, and the Justice League, so you've got things like Atlantis and other super societies, Lex Luthor's corporations and a ton of alien invasions constantly happening for people to salvage from, so it's not too surprising even average criminals can get their hands on super tech with that going on.