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Zeref has got everything he wanted... I don't see a way of stopping his plan now!

I WATCH FAIRY TAIL AT CRUNCHY: https://www.crunchyroll.com/series/G6DQDD3WR/fairy-tail




Zeref just entered his JRPG final boss form. And yeah, he was messing with the time rift, which is why Acnologia flew past it with no issue. I also marked out for Erza over the call to destroy the lacrima; at long last the running gag of the motion sickness had a practical use and against one of our two main baddies at that! XD Zeref's goal can be seen as noble in a sense, but really it's all about his wants. He has a messiah complex about him, he will sacrifice the current existence of everyone for the sake of preventing Acnologia from becoming the beast that he currently is. He thinks he is preventing the end times, but honestly, the dood is arrogant to think he can manipulate time itself. He clearly did not learn his lesson the first time when the powers that be told him to piss off on trying to control life and death.