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The Walt-Jesse team is back working together, but it doesn't matter as Gus seems to be completely on a whole different level!

I WATCH BREAKING BAD AT NETFLIX: https://www.netflix.com/title/70143836



Brother E

I can't wait for that next episode, hopefully you release it soon. I NEED that season finale I have been waiting for you to reach this point since we first started Breaking Bad! Gus can be defined as a supervillain. He is so cold and calculating that the thought of killing him differs to that of any mere man. Every move that's made against him Gus is always 2 steps ahead.

Professor Nebula

FUUUUCK!!! Not to rush you or anything, Curtis, but I have just got caught up on your reactions and I have to know... how much longer until your next reaction drops!? Please tell me it's soon! I've gotta see it!


Its likely in today's uploads based on the 1 episode a week schedule