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“You say the wrong thing and you get a bullet in yo back. Sometimes it’s better not to say shit.” JASON CHOI

He’s a bad boy with a heart of gold. Or so we think… Jason Choi is the object of many’s desire. With an understated charm and a dangerous streak, it's hard not to be drawn in by this man’s enigmatic story. He reveals so little, and yet, so many are drawn to him. Why? What does it say about us?

Setting up this interview was difficult for a multitude of reasons. The subject of this interrogation discussion is as elusive as he is tight-lipped. Great lengths were taken to secure this sliver of time with Jason Choi, but it’s fitting, considering the overwhelming demand. Nothing comes easy, as they say.

With some persuading, I’m able to secure an interview with College Craze’s most sought-after love interest, Jay. This is a detailed, unedited account of that interview:


JASON CHOI: Ay, yo, what the fuck?

PRETTY INK: Jason! Glad you’re finally up, I was worried we’d have to get a bullhorn in here or something. How are you feeling?

CHOI : Yo, where am I right now?

INK: You’re at Pretty Ink HQ, Welcome!

Choi glares at his surroundings, before his accusatory eyes lands on me.

CHOI: Pretty Ink HQ…The fuck is that?

INK: Oh, right okay. So I’m your creator.


INK: I made a video game, and you’re in it. And this is the HQ where I come up with all the plot lines, characters, settings… It’s like a peek behind the curtain, so to speak!

CHOI: Video game? Dude… What are you sayin right now?

CHOI: I swear to god if Triggs put somethin in that fuckin’ food-

INK: … You know what? Yeah. Triggs put something in your food. This is all just some really bad fever dream.

Choi throws his head back with a heavy sigh. He tries to stand out of his chair, but it’s at this moment he realizes he cannot.

CHOI: Yo what the fuck? You got me tied up?!

INK: Ugh, see? I told you the ropes were going to freak him out!

BERNIE: Ah, he’ll get over it. He’s a runner, I know it.

CHOI: Yo, who is this?!

INK: God, this is getting off to a terrible start… Jason, this is Bernie. You won’t be talking to him though, I’ll be the one conducting this interview.

CHOI: Interview?

INK: Yes! Interview, it’s the whole reason we kidnap- I mean, brought you here.

CHOI: You tie me up and drag me to this weird-ass room and expect me to talk? You out yo damn mind, girl.

INK: I had a feeling you’d say something like that. That’s why Bernie’s here. You don’t talk, he’ll intimidate you until you do! So it’s best to just play along and then this will all be over and we’ll drop you back off in the Springs!

Jason tilts his head to size Bernie up, his expression is blank. He looks away from the 6’4 giant and huffs.

CHOI: I thought you said this was a dream.

INK: Right, I mean dropping you off figuratively, you’ll wake up back in the Springs when this is all over. If everything goes to plan, you won’t even remember any of this happened.

CHOI: Yo, I’m too tired for all this.

INK: Bernie, be a dear and stay near the door. I’ll call you in if I need you… Now Jason, I have to tell you, this interview was by far the most requested from our players. How do you feel about that?

CHOI: It’s Jay.

INK: Huh?

CHOI: Jay, don’t use my government, Ion know you like that.

INK: Oh right, sure… I’ll note that down for editors before we print.

CHOI: You gon’ publish this shit?

INK: I am, it’s the first interview for my magazine, I might name it ‘The Ink Spot’ What do you think?

CHOI: …Don’t print my full name.

INK: Of course! I’ll be sure to keep that out… So Jay, tell me, how’s your day been?

CHOI: You ain’t serious right now…

INK: Okay, besides the obvious interruption, what were you up to before we came by to visit?

CHOI: Mindin’ my damn business.

INK: Well I know you were at least in the middle of a meal before you passed out… Do you usually eat Triggs’ left overs for breakfast?

CHOI: … He cook better than I do, and he ain’t been around so I ain’t gon’ let that go to waste.

INK: Ah, right. He’s still locked up, isn’t he? How are you coping with that? Must be pretty lonely without him.

CHOI: … Is that what this shit about? You tryna get me to snitch on em? Cause I ain’t sayin shit.

INK: No, I’m not trying to get you to say anything about Triggs, I was genuinely curious!

CHOI: Mhm…

INK: Alright, we won’t talk about Triggs’ current situation, but how about your past? One player asked: How did you and Triggs meet?

CHOI: … I knew him since I was like, 9, but we ain’t really talk to each other till I was like 12.

INK: Interesting, was this through school or…?

CHOI: Nah, he just lived down the block. His bad-ass lil sisters almost got my ass jumped cause they was stealing chips from this big-ass dude down at the youth center. I thought he was just fuckin’ wit em, I ain’t realize they really took his shit… Anyways, Triggs heard I stood up for em and I guess we just been wit each other ever since…

INK: Wow, so I guess you’ve always been pretty brave, then? Standing up to someone much older?

CHOI: I wasn’t brave. I was stupid as hell. Like I said, dude was big, and I ain’t know how to fight.

INK: That leads perfectly into this next question from a player: What kind of kid were you? Were you a good boy? A little badass? Did you do your homework?

CHOI: Dude, that’s like 8 questions.

INK: I guess they just got excited in the submission form… You get the gist of the question, what kind of kid were you?

CHOI: Ion know… I guess I was always real quiet. That’s what my teachers always said…

INK: How were you in school?

CHOI: I was aight for a bit…

INK: Just a bit? Care to elaborate?

CHOI:  No.

INK: … Alrighty then. Let’s see… Okay, here’s an easy one: Do you have any siblings?

CHOI: Nope.

INK: When you were younger, what did you want to be as an adult?

CHOI: I wanted to be a lot of things…

INK: Okay Mr. Mysterious, any one in particular stick out for you?

CHOI: Ion know… I thought planes was cool for a minute. Maybe a pilot or somethin.

INK: Aww, that’s actually kinda cute. Baby Pilot Jason! I gotta write that down and get that in the game somehow… hold on.

Jason rolls his eyes as I jot down my notes.

CHOI: Aight, we done here?

INK: Not even close, Jason! I have-

CHOI: Ay, what I say about that? It’s Jay.

INK: Right, sorry. Jay. I have nearly 60 questions submitted. Get comfy, we have a long night ahead of us.

CHOI: 60 questions?!

INK: Mhm! Now, one player would like to know what your favorite childhood memory is?

CHOI: I… Guess… I remember one time ma moms took a day off and got me outta school so we could go to the fair down by Smithee Pier. I ain’t really ask her for a lot, but I remember buggin the shit outta her cause I ain’t ever seen a ferris wheel in real life before. They was one of those travellin’ fairs or whatever, you know the ones I’m talkin’ bout?

INK: Yeah, they hop around from city to city?

CHOI: Exactly, and I knew they was bout to leave soon. She finally took me on the last day, and I thought I was goin crazy cause she never took days off, and she never took me outta school, even if I was sick. I had to be just about dead before she came and got me, I swear.

INK: I can see why that would be pretty special… Thanks for sharing that with us. Would you say that is your favorite memory of all time?

CHOI: Close, but I got a few others on the list.

INK: And what are those?


INK: You’re a real open book, I gotta say… Okay, What life lessons have you had to learn the hard way?

CHOI: Don’t eat Triggs leftovers, apparently.

INK: This isn’t really as bad as you’re making it out to be.

CHOI: You got me tied to a fuckin chair, dude.

INK: Back to the question! Any other lessons you had to learn the hard way?

CHOI: Don’t let people in. You say the wrong thing and you get a bullet in yo back. Sometimes it’s better not to say shit.

INK: All people? Thats a huge blanket statement… Surely you just mean don’t let like… fake people in, or something?

CHOI: The fake ones don’t surprise me, the loyal ones always do… Either way, it’s easier to keep people away, you know?

INK: I guess? I’m not a drug dealer, so can’t really relate.

CHOI: Drug dealer? I ain’t no-

INK: Have you ever been to prison?


INK: Okay, that’s a lie.

CHOI: How would you know?

INK: I created you, and I know for a fact you’ve been to jail 3 times!

CHOI: … You keep sayin that and Ion know what the fuck that means, but either way, if you know everything why you askin me?

INK: Because if I don’t include you on this, your fans are going to tear me apart. I’m a lot of things, but I’m not stupid. I value my life, alright?

CHOI: My fans?

INK: Okay! On to the next category of questions… My Favorite: Favorites! (And preferences). Ooh, here’s a fun one, What’s your favorite treat or candy?

CHOI: Caramel Taffy… But the kind from the Bay, you get it anywhere else, shit’s nasty as hell.

INK: Fair, theres a lot of knockoffs out there… What’s your favorite type of food? Sweet, salty, savory, spicy?

CHOI: Spicy or Savory. I like lemon pepper wet wings.

INK: Do you like Hawaiian Pizza?

CHOI: Whats that?

INK: Oh, uh, you know the pizza with ham and pineapple on it?

CHOI: That’s a real pizza? Pineapples? You fuckin’ wit me?

INK: No, yeah, it’s a thing. I’ll take that down as a no then?

CHOI: Nah, that shit sound nasty.

INK: Okay, How do you enjoy spending you alone time?

CHOI: Alone.

INK: Okay smart ass- ehem- Could you elaborate? What do you like to do when you’re alone?

CHOI: I really don’t got no time to do shit, so I really can’t answer that.

INK: Okay. Do you have any special skills?

CHOI: Nah.

INK: You and I both know you’re being a bit humble here.

CHOI: I really dunno what you talking bout.

INK: You’re really good with modding cars. Like, really really good.

CHOI: I know I ain’t as good as I could be, though. Ion got the time really…

INK: Right… Well, What model car do you have? And what’s your favorite model of car?

CHOI: I got a 2010 Howdy S5, right now. But my favorite is a Biscotti Lemon 16.4 Grand Sport Finesse.

INK: Well, technically you don’t really have that car right now, since the whole Triggs joyriding  thing. How’s the fix up in the shop going by the way?

CHOI: …Ion wanna talk about it.

INK: So sensitive… Alright, this next one’s pretty fitting. Two people asked: What makes you angry or upset?

CHOI: Honestly? I ain’t got no patience for bullies.

INK: I’m sure your fans will love to hear that.

CHOI: There you go with that fan shit-

INK: What’s your most meaningful tattoo?

CHOI: Most of em really don’t got no meaning behind em… I just like the way they look.

INK: Yeah, but there is one you’re not mentioning thats pretty important to you, right under your eye there-

CHOI: Why you even askin me if you gonna say it anyways?

INK: I wasn’t gonna say it! I just thought maybe you’d wanna share if I encouraged it, but clearly not… Who does your tattoos? And do you always see the same tattoo artist?

CHOI: I knew a few dudes back in the Bay that would hook me up, but I really don’t got no preference.

INK: Not picky when it comes to permanent ink on your skin? Okay, questionable, but I support it!


INK: Looks like we made it through that stack of questions, how are you feeling? Need anything? Water? Snacks?

CHOI: I need to get outta here.

INK: The faster you answer these, the faster I’ll let you out.

CHOI: Honestly, I feel like you lyin.

INK: Well, I’m not. Believe it or not, you being out here, doing this interview isn’t helpful. I need you back in Sugardale so I can keep writing v5. If you’re not there I-

CHOI: Back in Sugardale? You mean you took me outta city limits?

INK: Yeah, I mean if you wanna get technical about it, I took you out of universe limits.

CHOI: … I’m really bout to die, ain’t I?

INK: Oh, don’t be such a drama queen, we’ve got a lot more to get through… This next category of questions focus on your present and your future. Ready?

CHOI: I guess.

INK: Okay, one player would like to know what five words you would use to describe yourself?

CHOI: Busy… Stressed… Tired… Hardworking… and Nervous

INK: Thats a lot of negative words there, I think they wanted you to describe yourself in a more holistic sense.

CHOI: Hardworking, then.

INK: Just hardworking? A-Alright, sure, I’ll take it. How do you see yourself, self-esteem wise?

CHOI: Ion know… Sometimes it’s good, sometimes its bad, you know?

INK: That’s fair. We can’t all be super-confident all the time… Alright let’s see the next one here… Hahaha!

CHOI: What?

INK: How would you rate your Intelligence on a scale of Dumb Rock to Smart Cookie?

CHOI: Are you serious?

INK: The people want to know Jason.

CHOI: Jay.

INK: Jay. So what is it, Smart Cookie or Dumb Rock?

CHOI: What you think?

INK: I don’t think you wanna hear what I think.

CHOI: … Aight, Smart cookie, I guess.

INK: A little generous, but sure!

CHOI: Dude-

INK: I’m just fucking with you, chill out!

CHOI: mumbles something unintelligible.

INK: What’s an odd habit you have?

CHOI: Ion really think I got any, to be honest.

INK: Well, you do that thing with your jaw sometimes.

CHOI: What thing?

INK: You know, the thing! You flex it when you’re pissed off or trying to calm down- There it is! Just like that!


INK: Okay, two people want to know are you close to your family and do you keep in contact with any?

CHOI: I call my moms a lot… Sometimes my uncle and cousins call but they still back in the Bay, so it’s hard to keep up.

INK: Well, that and your schedule is so crazy, I don’t even know how you manage.

CHOI: Yeah, well, I do my best. I miss em a lot…

INK: What drives you as a person— What is your motivating force?

CHOI: …I ain’t ever think about that before. But, I really don’t know. Like, I wanna say survival? Cause thats all I really know, but that don’t feel right. Everyone tryna survive.

INK: I guess, but for some, other things are more important than surviving. Plus, I think that attitude definitely affects others too.

CHOI: What you mean?

INK: Well, look at you and Triggs. You want him to survive too, right? Or when you said you don’t like bullies, or when you stood up for Triggs’ sisters… You’re always trying to protect others. You want others to survive too, and frankly I don’t think we see a lot of people like that in the world. Most are just looking out for themselves.

CHOI: …I guess you right… Thank you.

INK: Any time… What’s your life goal?

CHOI: Shit, you really tryna get deep outta nowhere?

INK: It’s the players, not me! They wanna know!

CHOI: I just wanna get to a point where I ain’t gotta worry, and the people I love don’t gotta worry.

INK: Worry about?

CHOI: Money, food, they neighborhood, they health. I just wanna live in peace, you know?

INK: I think that’s a totally reasonable thing to aim for, considering everything you’ve been through.

CHOI: Thanks.

INK: Bouncing off from that question, what does your ideal life look like?

CHOI: Haha, my ideal life ain’t got no weird-ass dreams in it, I tell you that.

INK: Okay, fair… Beyond that? Let’s say, ten years from now, what’s the perfect life for you?

CHOI: Ten years? Shit, I’ll be 33, so maybe I got a crib, I’m somewhere warm like Dulce, Florida. Maybe I’m just startin’ my family or whatever, couple kids, my girl… You know, just chillin’, enjoyin’ life.

INK: I don’t think any of that’s out of the realm of possibility for you… You’ll obviously have to change up a few things about your lifestyle but-

CHOI: Yo, we ain’t talkin’ bout that.

INK: Alright… If you had to choose between love or money, which would you choose? Love meaning romantic, familial and/or platonic.

CHOI: I seen too many dudes get killed over money. Just cause you have it, don’t make you safe. I choose love, all day.

INK: What a romantic answer, and a perfect segue into our next category of questions!

CHOI: We got more? Come on, now…

INK: Yes, we have more! The answers for this section and the next are probably all your fans are really concerned with. I’d jump straight into the juicy stuff, but I’ll give you a few softball questions first.

CHOI: You bout to ask me some outta pocket shit, ain’t you?

INK: All their questions, not mine! This category is all about relationships!

CHOI: God damn it…

INK: Have you ever been in love?

CHOI: That’s a softball question? Really?

INK: Just answer it.

CHOI: … Yes.

INK: When was your last relationship?

CHOI: Ion really wanna talk about that shit.

INK: I had a feeling you wouldn’t… Bernie!

CHOI: Ay, yo, what you doin?

INK: Using Bernie to intimidate you into answering these questions.

CHOI: I really ain’t tryna talk bout my ex. Since you know everything, you should know exactly why.

INK: You’re right, it is a bit of a sore subject… You don’t have to give any details, just simple answers, we’ll keep it rapid-fire how about that?

CHOI: Do I got a choice?

INK: I mean, not really?

CHOI: … I guess you could say it ended last year.

INK: What’s your longest relationship?

CHOI: 3 years.

INK: Why did you and your last girlfriend break up?

CHOI: … I’m done talkin’ bout her. Forreal.

INK: Yeah, let’s uh… Let’s move on. Here’s a nice and light one! What do you find the most attractive about a girl? Physically and Emotionally.

CHOI: Physically, I guess I really like a girl’s eyes.

INK: Pretty tame answer, but alright…

CHOI: And emotionally… I like it if she ain’t guarded. Like, she open, she not hard or tryna act like it, you know? Like… Positive.

INK: So like, the total opposite of you?

CHOI: You ain’t funny.

INK: I’m just telling you the truth here! You’re like the most guarded guy I know. It’s funny you find openness attractive, that's all. Anyways, piggybacking off of that answer, what qualities do you find attractive? What do you look for in a partner?

CHOI: Ion know, I’m happy with someone who easy to be around. Like, if she can make me laugh, and she warm and like… Sunshine? Ion know, that prolly sound dumb as hell, don’t print that.

INK: The girlies are gonna go feral for that one, sorry, I’m definitely keeping it in.

CHOI: Bro…

INK: What’s your ideal perfect date?

CHOI: I ain’t been on a date in a minute…

INK: Right, but if you were to like, miraculously have a clear schedule, and didn’t have to worry about being on the run from cops and could be out in public like a normal human being, what would that date look like?

CHOI: See, now why you gotta say all that?

INK: Cause I know you, and you’re going to come up with a million excuses why you can’t think of an ideal date. So I got rid of all the excuses for you.

CHOI: You play too much.

INK: Just answer the question…

CHOI: Ion know? Dinner and a movie?

INK: Lame!

CHOI: Dude, you serious?

INK: That’s such a basic answer I’m debating whether I should even print that.

CHOI: You said it yoself, Ion get to do normal shit. People take it for granted but like, if I could sit my ass down in a movie theater and not have to look over my shoulder, or go to a damn restaurant and just be in the moment wit my girl I’d be lucky as hell.

INK: Well, when you put it that way, that makes a lot of sense. You’re right, I and I’m sure many others, definitely do take those things for granted.

CHOI: Exactly.

INK: What’s a relationship deal breaker for you?

CHOI: Well if you cheatin on me its definitely over between us, and the dude.

INK: Uh, what do you mean?

CHOI: I mean it’s over for us. And it’s over for the dude.

INK: Over as in…?


INK: Okay, sick. Jay, have you ever fantasized about me?

CHOI: Excuse me?

INK: Oh wait, no-

CHOI: What typa interview is this, dude? How I fantasize about you and Ion even know you? You literally just kidnapped me and been talkin’ crazy since I met you.

INK: Right. Okay, so I was just reading the question verbatim. It’s from a player, so a player is asking if you fantasize about them.

CHOI: Player, player, you keep sayin that like I know what it means!

INK: Fuck, okay, how do I explain this… Oh! Alright, in your universe, there’s this special girl that’s just kind of plopped into your life right?

CHOI: …What this got to do with her? You ain’t kidnap her too, did you?

INK: No! She’s the one asking this question!

CHOI: She in on this shit?

INK: Uh, no… Not really. This is all a dream, remember? None of this is real.

CHOI: Yeah, well, this a pretty fucked up dream.

INK: Right, so back to the question, have you ever fantasized about that girl?


INK: Do I need to call Bernie back in here? Cause I will.

CHOI: Oh my god, no you ain’t gotta call that dude back in here… Fine, yeah, I thought about her a few times… She ain’t gotta know that though.

INK: Well, I mean she will if she reads this interview, so…

CHOI: Why is you doin this to me?

INK: I actually didn’t want you to be my first interview, believe it or not. I was rooting for my man Bernie.

CHOI: Oh yeah, would you have kidnapped him too?

INK: Uh, no, cause he would have come willingly and I wouldn’t have to twist his arm for every other answer, unlike someone.

CHOI: Well he a damn fool.

INK: A fool in love. Now back to the questions…. What was your first impression of that girl?

CHOI: … I… Thought she was beautiful.

INK: Oh, they’re gonna love this… What do you think of her?

CHOI: I think she a lil naive, but she sweet… and she funny, but Ion think she even know how funny she is.

INK: And how do you feel about her?

CHOI: Ion know yet, ain’t really made up my mind.

INK: And the lie detector test determined that was a lie!


INK: It’s a joke! From Maury, or I guess in your universe it’s the Simon Cinnamon show?

CHOI: Still ain’t funny.

INK: Neither is you lying about your feelings, but I’ll leave that alone for now… Do you think you’ll ever give her a chance of a relationship?

CHOI: I ain’t tryna drag her into all my bullshit. She too good for that.

INK: Is this coming from the same guy who was just talking about how he wanted a ‘positive’, ‘open’ girl?

CHOI: When I got time for that in my life, yeah. I can’t give a relationship the attention it need right now. Ion wanna hurt nobody…

INK: I respect that, and I know it’s hard for you on your own as it is… I mean, you can barely keep tabs on Triggs, I don’t know how crazy it would get with another person in the mix.

CHOI: Exactly.

INK: If you ever had a kid with her, what would you name it?

CHOI: Yo, I ain’t even thinkin’ that far, we just met.

INK: Jason, I’m so sorry to put you on blast, yet again. But I know you’re lying cause baby names are really the least embarrassing thing you’ve thought about when it comes to this girl. I can go into detail-

CHOI: You shady as fuck, bro.

INK: The people want answers, Jay. Either you tell em, or I tell them waaaay more than you’d want me to.

CHOI: … Cameron and Kaiya.

INK: Aw, Cam and Kai Choi, I love the alliteration.

CHOI: … We done?

INK: Almost! We’ve finally reached the most exciting category of questions!

CHOI: Excitin’ for who?

INK: For our audience. I’m sure this will be terrible for you, but its a sacrifice I’m willing to make.

CHOI: Mutters something unintelligible.

INK: What was that?

CHOI: Nothin.

INK: Okay, now for our final category, sex questions!

CHOI: Oh hell nah, bro, get me outta here.

INK: Not happening, we’re almost done here.

CHOI: Yo, I-

INK: How big is your dick?

CHOI: Yo, call yo dude Bernie, or whatever you gotta do, I ain’t bout to answer these questions.

INK: It’s a simple question Jay, you don’t gotta be weird about it. You’re among friends.

CHOI: You literally said this shit was gon be in a magazine… Ion even know you. How you gon say this shit among friends?

INK: Don’t even think about it, just throw out a number, ballpark it!

CHOI: Bro…

INK: Okay, I’ll start with my hands together and slowly move them apart, you tell me when to stop.


INK: Just yell stop at annnnyyyytime.


INK: You’re not gonna tell me to stop are you?


INK: Fine. They can’t say I didn’t try… Okay, here’s another softball question, what are your turn-ons/ what’s your biggest turn on?

CHOI: Ain’t I already answer this?

INK: Not really, that was more what you find attractive in a girl. This is more what arouses you.

CHOI: …Ain’t that the same thing?

INK: No, I mean, unless a girl’s eyes is really what get’s you going… To each their own, but I know that’s not the case for you.

CHOI: If you know so much, just say it.

INK: Where’s the fun in that?

CHOI: …Aight fine. I like the way a girl smell.

INK: I think you need to elaborate.

CHOI: I think you need to move on to the next question.

INK: When you say smell, you don’t mean her perfume, do you Jay?

CHOI: … Yo can we just get to the next question?

INK: Do you prefer the innocent/inexperienced type or do you like the more mature/experienced woman?

CHOI: Ion really got a preference.

BERNIE: You want me to get it out of him, Ms. Pretty?

CHOI: Ay, when you get in here?

BERNIE: I heard you were getting to the good part. I wanted to sit in, hope you don’t mind Ms. Pretty.

INK: Not at all, and don’t worry about his answer Bern, he’s actually telling the truth for that one.

CHOI: I gotta do this shit in front of a damn audience now?

INK: You always were, technically. You just weren’t fully aware of it.

CHOI: What?

INK: Nothing… Do you prefer to give or receive in the bedroom?

CHOI: Give.

INK: Any further elaboration on that or…

CHOI: Nope.

INK: Fair enough. Missionary or Doggy?

CHOI: Oh my god…

INK: This one’s not even that bad, come on!

BERNIE: It really isn’t man. I’m looking at the remaining ones and this is nothing…

CHOI: Fine… Missionary

INK: That’s a surprise to me honestly.

CHOI: How is it a surprise? You know everything already.

INK: Can I just pretend to be surprised? Geez, have you ever heard of editorializing?

BERNIE: You’re doing great Ms. Pretty.

INK: Thank you Bernie, at least someone here appreciates what I’m trying to do!

CHOI: We almost done?

INK: Yes actually, just a few more… Dom or Sub?

CHOI: What that mean?

INK: Dom as in dominant, some who’s taking more control in the bedroom. And then Sub as in submissive, someone who is taking direction, relinquishing control.

CHOI: So which do I prefer in a partner?

INK: Yes, exactly!

CHOI: Submissive.

INK: Surprise, surprise.

BERNIE: Yeah, I saw that one coming from a mile away.

INK: Right? Okay, if you were clapping someone's cheeks what would be your go-to position?

CHOI: Yo, who is coming up with these questions?

INK: Okay fair, that one is worded really… colorfully. Uh, let’s see. Three other people asked the exact same question, so simply put, what is your favorite sex position?


BERNIE: The lady asked you a question, pretty boy.

CHOI: …69.

INK: Thank you Bernie. That wasn’t that hard was it? Now, last question! What is the most embarrassing kink you have?

CHOI: Kink?

INK: Like, the thing that really gets you going in bed.

CHOI: Ain’t that just a turn on?

INK: Kinda but not really… Ugh, Bernie, how would you describe it?

BERNIE: Oh, you know some people like spanking, or they like creampies, or they’re really into feet. It's more about the action taking place in bed, usually.

INK: You kinda touched on it earlier already.

CHOI: This really the last question?

INK: You answer this and it’s all over.

CHOI: Aight, well, I really like it when she sit… You know on… You know…

BERNIE: Don’t beat around the bush kid, just say it, you like what you like!

CHOI: … I like when she sit on my face.

INK: Alright, so we have the kink and that’s half the question, but not the part you’re embarrassed about really…

CHOI: Do I really gotta get into this? Ain’t y’all ask me enough?

BERNIE: The kid’s turning into a tomato, you got em all red. Maybe you should let em off easy, Ms. Pretty.

INK: Alright, Alright fine! Don’t say I never did anything nice for you.

CHOI: This can’t be real, bro…

INK: It’s not! So don’t worry about it. Bernie, would you please?

BERNIE: Sure thing Ms. Pretty.

CHOI: Yo, what he bout to-

INK: Thank you Jason Choi, for joining me in this interview! It was incredibly insightful, despite you being completely evasive. I believe we’ve have explored some new sides to you that the players will appreciate. Though I do have to thank you for your discretion. If you were a chatterbox, the amount of spoilers in this interview would have been a pain to censor, so that’s definitely a silver lining. You’ll be on your way back home now, and shouldn’t remember a thing. I hope you have a safe trip back to your universe.


And thus concluded my hours long interview with Jason Choi. While it was certainly an exercise in professionalism and self-control, I am grateful it was the inaugural interview for The Ink Spot (name pending).

Thank you to all who have read this interview, and until next time!

Pretty Ink



Denise Fryberger

Lol, he must've been confused af waking up after this...

Tweedle Dee



I’m so glad Jay was chosen first 🥰