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Hey guys!

So it's been a week since I've released College Craze 0.2 for patrons and holy shit has it been a week.

I knew going into it, I'd be all over the place emotionally. I'd be concerned if I weren't! I spent 7 months working on a game that I really cared about and I was going to release it after all this time to be played and judged and loved and trashed. And while people are still discovering the game and coming around to it after the fact, I feel like the hubbub around release has calmed down a bit and I have time to reflect and process.

Luckily, it sounds like there haven't been too many bugs or issues, which was one of my bigger concerns, considering the amount of content. Realistically, theres no way every single dialogue line or combination of choices can be tested, because there are so many choices. But a huge shoutout to those who were gracious enough to help with testing, you guys were all so helpful and a major part of making this release a success!

I know there are a lot of new faces around, so I also want to say hello and welcome! Feel free to hop into the Discord and muse about your favorite foods, talk about the game or just goof off. I love chatting with you all and it keeps me level while working on the next release.

Speaking of the next release, I know (rightfully) there may be some trepidation around when that next release will be. The amount of content planned will not be nearly as much as what was just put out for 0.2. It will be smaller,  I'm aiming for the next release to be 2-3 months from now, but please understand I will keep you all updated as I go along. So if shit happens, you'll know, but understand I'm working hard on this everyday!

I've already started writing and coding for it, and the current plan is for it to span Saturday and Sunday in game. After that release, I will not have the game move along on a day-by-day basis. The split up will vary a little more depending on your route and also the key events that all routes will experience over larger swaths of time. (Interesting shit doesn't happen every day IRL, so why would that be the case in-game beyond the first week of college? lol)

In the meantime, I hope you all have fun playing and replaying the game. My goal with this release was to have high replayability, and I think I've certainly achieved that. I love seeing folks discover entire scenes and paths after a marathon of playing. Just know if you're ever stuck or wondering where to find certain scenes, we have a spoiler channel on Discord to chat about it with others.

I look forward to the next update and letting you all know how far along I've gotten with Saturday AM. Hope you all have a wonderful new year and thank you for your support! <3






The release has been amazing, I have to say. I do have a question though. I know that a walkthrough would never have been in the cards for this game, what with how complex it already is with this release and how much more so it will likely become in the future. It would quickly become untenable to keep up to date. But would it be possible to just have a general list of routes/scenes that exist? Just to know if we, as players, have missed one and need to go dig and find it? Since that's my only major concern, that even after all my lengthy playing of this update, that I'm still managing to miss some of the content.


Thank you! And That’s an excellent point! I actually was tossing the idea around in my head and I think that if there’s a time to document that stuff it would certainly be now before the next release. I keep a pretty organized account of plans for what I write and plan to for the whole game so it shouldn’t be too hard for me to post something that is loose and not to spoiler-y for you all to check through. :)

Kurt Wagner

Sounds like a good plan. Just be careful of too many branches. The multiclub thing is ambitious but it would be hard to write 4 different storyline's that people can't see in the same playthru. It's gonna be key to have the shared events constitute most updates, in my humble opinion


Yep! Don't worry, I have planned things out so they'll roughly follow a diamond-shaped progression. The clubs allow you special scenes on certain occasions, but it all converges again! :)