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Yay! I finished a full body 3d tiger model. I believe I learned a lot. I would very much like to know your opinion. Would you like to see any character models? 

Or maybe I should try something new - like 2D animation? Hmm...

And here is a short video https://youtu.be/mtU402ybY1A 

This model you can download here https://mega.nz/file/MFVHBQ5K#ypjf_hMoO-a0klLllVdSHGVJQTYwjESqomV5S2Ak8mU 



Steve 'Xev' Gare

Gorgeous work! :) I wonder if she'll 3D Print!


Awesome work! Unbelievable for the first model. I'd love to commission you for a 3D Rakeesh! <3


Epic :O


Какая симпатичная девочка получилась :)

Soren Frazier

Wish I knew how to draw at least some want like this. I can't imagine how much and how long of a time it must have taken you to get this far up into doing 3D stuff. I look very much forward to seeing what else you will do in the future.




More characters would be fantastic! At the pace you're going, I wouldn't be surprised if you end up making 3d animations.


Great work! Other characters would be great, but I’m very intrigued to see you do 2D animation. Ultimately I think we’ll be happy to see whatever ends up bringing you joy.


I think you're on the path of something really amazing! This looks so good so far. :^D


Да надо уже давно было делать анимации, че тут думать-то. Вон что выходит у Кодара в гиперреализме, или Элисити в тлкашной рисовке. Могут и подвинуться в случаи чего. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1AnMXU1_QZ2KnvzrdK4yjB4qAURLuP6vr?usp=sharing

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2022-01-31 03:16:15 Wow! this is actually amazing. How are you so good at this already haha. You should be proud! absolutely fantastic progress. & Also, Animations definitely sound like a good idea to!
2022-01-29 00:15:26 Wow! this is actually amazing. How are you so good at this already haha. You should be proud! absolutely fantastic progress. & Also, Animations definitely sound like a good idea to!

Wow! this is actually amazing. How are you so good at this already haha. You should be proud! absolutely fantastic progress. & Also, Animations definitely sound like a good idea to!

Kilgore Trout (edited)

Comment edits

2022-02-02 15:19:51 I'm not familiar with Procreate. Can this model be rigged for animation, like Maya & 3ds Max models? For example, here are some rigged big cat models: https://cubebrush.co/truongcgartist/products/9c0bqw/leopard-maya-rig https://cubebrush.co/truongcgartist/products/rtvha/lion-maya-rig
2022-02-01 05:19:26 I'm not familiar with Procreate. Can this model be rigged for animation, like Maya & 3ds Max models? For example, here are some rigged big cat models: https://cubebrush.co/truongcgartist/products/9c0bqw/leopard-maya-rig https://cubebrush.co/truongcgartist/products/rtvha/lion-maya-rig

I'm not familiar with Procreate. Can this model be rigged for animation, like Maya & 3ds Max models? For example, here are some rigged big cat models: https://cubebrush.co/truongcgartist/products/9c0bqw/leopard-maya-rig https://cubebrush.co/truongcgartist/products/rtvha/lion-maya-rig


Охохох...я так далеко еще не заглядывала. ничего про это не знаю и даже не представляю как это делается. Пока умею только лепить. вот :3 Могу модельку дать в формате .obj

Kilgore Trout

Давайте. Будет интересно поиграть с 3D моделью. :)