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Let's choose who's next! ^^

Members of the royal family 2x votes as always



REALLY hoping for Kion/Rani/Nirmala! All characters we have very few pictures of. Come on voters!!!!!


Thanks so much for your vote, Mikkel Petersn! 😃 Hopefully others will be convinced to vote for Kion/Rani/Nirmala as well. 😊


Those are Lion Guard characters correct? I confess I like the classic stuff; Movie one and movie two only, heh. But I've noticed Lion Guard characters have a lot of fans so you never know.


The "Lion Guard" characters do indeed have a lot of fans ALW, including myself! 😀 I hope you'll support our effort to get more art featuring these characters by voting for Kion/Rani/Nirmala in this month's poll. 😊


I am pretty desperate to see Nala/Zira, but since we get two votes I'll vote for Kion/Rani/Nirmala if you'll return the favour and vote for Nala/Zira? Haha


Have a feeling cats will always win lol. Not that I mind since I want Zira/Nala to win, but seeing Oki/Amaterasu would be awesome too.


I think your vote (if you're a "Member of the Royal Family" tier) only counts as 2 votes toward whomever you selected ALW, not that you can actually vote twice or select two different options. 😊


Indeed ALW! I hope those Kion/Rani/Nirmala votes keep coming! 😁 Your Nala/Zira pick is doing very well too! It's neck and neck, and may come down to the wire.

Mikkel Petersn

it seems that Kion and the two lovely girls from the three of life Rani and Nirmala won this month poll

Kilgore Trout

I'd like to suggest an unusual pairing for the next month's poll: Bagheera (The Jungle Book) / Sabor (Tarzan).