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Usually I don't draw such evil pictures. but today i just need a way of letting out my feelings.

Yestaday in my country house two kittens were gone. 

A month ago i found two kittens with a mother cat. It was a BIG surprise! I decided to take home one of two kittens and for other one find a new home too. They were three or fouth days old, so I should have waited when they grown.

We had been visiting a mother cat, feeding her, treating the kitten's eyes.

I don't know how a stray dog snuck into our house territory...I couldn't belive that dogs can be such cruel.

Only the mother cat is stay alive.




Wow.... That's terribly sad... Sorry you had to go through that =/, also, I like your pic, I know very well what you mean about expressing your feelings in that way (artistically). side note: Is it bad that I still find your lynx character to be cute in this pic? lol


Oh no! I’m so sorry lynx. That is so cruel.

Jamie Willis

Oh no! so, sorry to hear :(


I’m so sorry. I’ve seen both cats and dogs do some horribly cruel and evil acts. Even pet ones. I’ve seen killer whales play cruelly with theyre prey. It’s scary and beautiful, Mother Nature. I am so sorry lynx :,(


Poor kittys :( But they are in a better world now.


So sorry you’ve had to deal with that. Emotions can be a great trigger for art though, I think this pic tells the story and expresses your feelings well.


I'm so sorry to hear the bad news. :(

Radix Panther

That's so sad. :( My family had some wild cats as well, and sometimes we'd lose them. It hurts so much. All my best to you. I'm glad the mother made it out, at least.!


I'm so sorry that these kittens you cared for had such a terrible end. I can see in your art the anger at this cruelty. It is always hard to suffer the loss of our animal friends, but I hope you take comfort in the kindness you were able to give them. Even though their lives were short, they had better lives because of how you cared for them.