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This was a request from one of my wonderful long time supporters and I thought it was a brilliant one! With the world being so overcrowded and many of us using our own transportation to get where we need to go, we've seen that road rage is real.  And sometimes it sneaks up on us, even when we think we would never act out on it. For this patron, who is extremely kind and gentle in his genuine nature, he found himself in a moment where his anger felt almost out of his control.  It made think of a few times dealing with California traffic where I would have LOVED to have something like this to calm me down and get me centered.

This was created to listen to directly after that angry moment you experience so it starts quickly with the intention of calming you down right away and then get you back on your way. While I hope you never NEED it, I also hope you utilize it if you do.  Have a beautiful weekend!😘




Mike R.

Great idea!