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About resolution.

Sometimes I see distributors whose images look large and blurry, so I will explain the resolution.

The resolution of an image captured by "Window Capture" depends on the window size. Therefore, if an image with a small original window size is enlarged using the Scale function, the image will be enlarged to a low-resolution image, and the screen will look blurry.

The resolution is increased by increasing the window size instead of enlarging it with Shoost's Scale function. The same is true for OBS. After capturing with window capture, it is better to enlarge the window itself to be captured, instead of using the OBS function to enlarge it.

In the case of Shoost, the Spout Output function outputs at 1920 x 1080 resolution. So even if the window size of Shoost is small, OBS outputs at 1920 x 1080 resolution, which is convenient.

Spout function is useful.

You can receive a screen with transparency using the Spout function or send a screen with no UI to OBS or other devices.

To use the Spout function in OBS, install the OBS plugin.

After installation using exe, "Sput2 Capture" will be added to the OBS source.

"Sput2 Capture" can be used by selecting the target to be captured in the same way as window capture.

In Shoost, Sput Output is useful to send a screen without UI display to OBS.

In VseeFace, Spout Transmission, and in Vtube Studio, NDI Transmission, can also be used, which can be received by using Sput Capture.

When "Spout Capture" is set to On, a Spout Capture item is added to the LEYER item, which can be used in the same way as Window Capture.

About processing Power.

Because Shoost combines a variety of effects, the GPU power is significant. The more screen effects are layered, the greater the processing power, so it is best to avoid using unnecessary effects.

Left: without additional effects.

Right: with additional effects.

If the processing power is too heavy, changing the Frame Rate from 60 → 30 will make a big difference.

Save and load functions.

It is convenient to save scenes for each situation. For example, you can create separate scenes for indoor, outdoor, live stage, etc., and load them as needed to save time and effort in making settings.

Saved data can be shared with others, which is useful when you want to pass scene settings to others.




question! In this update, is "Transparent in Capture" not available on vtuber studio? mI though I could do it in the past updates, but now it does not work... (at least on my end!)


Shoost does not support transparent capture, even before the update. If you want to transparently capture Vtube Studio, you need to use the NDI feature.