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Hello everyone! 2022 is going to be a great year in Beauty-land, and I'm so excited to share with you the first steps in the process of making things happen! For anyone who's been around my Patreon for a while now, you know I try to give you the best experience I possibly can by providing a variety of content so there's something for everyone.

That being said, I'm going to be making some changes to my Patreon tiers, starting March 1st. I'll be rearranging some rewards, adding a couple of new tiers, and introducing Legacy tiers for existing Patrons. This will give me the ability to offer the most value at every tier level and add some exciting (and highly requested) new rewards.

I'll talk a bit more about the changes and my thoughts on them in the monthly update, which will be posted in a day or two, but I wanted to give everyone a look at what's coming, as March 1st is just around the corner. So here's what we have:

New Tiers

First, I'm announcing two brand new tiers, which will be available March 1st:

💜💜 Tip Jar - $1 Tier:

  • No content, just a way to show support in whatever amount you'd like.
  • Minimum pledge is $1.
  • This has been requested a lot as its own tier, so we're trying it. The idea is to allow for custom pledges for anyone who doesn't want the content portion. 

💜💜 A Thing of Beauty - $15 Tier:

  • Two SFW versions of previous NSFW Exclusives per month, voted on by Patrons in the tier. (I get requests for this quite a bit, I thought I'd give it a shot!)
  • One NSFW continuation of a previously released SFW audio per month.
  • Access to B's Audio Vault (17 NSFW Exclusives not available anywhere else)
  • All rewards available to the $10 Tier.

Tier Changes

There will also be a couple of changes coming to the rest of the tiers. These changes are for new Patrons only - anyone joining March 1st or later. More on that in a bit. For now, here are the changes:

💜💜 Global Changes - All Tiers

  • Early Access audios are being discontinued for all tiers
  • All tiers will get the monthly update except the Tip Jar Tier. (This isn't a change, I just wanted everyone to know access to the monthly updates aren't changing.)

💜💜 Raw Beauty - $3 Tier:

  • As of March 1st, the Raw Beauty Tier will be the "Existing Content Only" tier, meaning it will only have NSFW Exclusives released up to December 31st, 2021 and will not receive any new audios in the foreseeable future. The idea behind this tier is to allow listeners who just want to catch up on the back catalogue to do so, without new content being added.
  • This tier will still have access to over 60 NSFW Exclusives.

💜💜 Blushing Beauty - $5 Tier:

  • As of March 1st, the Blushing Beauty Tier will receive 4 NSFW Exclusives per month, 2 current and 2 from the previous month. This is a bit of a change from the current tier, which receives 1 current NSFW Exclusive and all the previous month's NSFW Exclusives.
  • Included in the 4 monthly Exclusives will be 2 current NSFW Exclusives per month, one F4M and one F4F/F4A. These will be released to the tier with no delay.
  • To determine which of the previous month's NSFW Exclusives the tier will receive, a poll will be posted on the 1st of every month. Tier members will vote on which 2 of the previous month's NSFW Exclusives will be released to the tier for that month. The two with the top votes will be made available when the voting closes.

💜💜 Beauty & Grace - $10 Tier:

  • No changes other than the discontinuation of the Early Access reward.
  • This tier isn't receiving anything different in terms of the amount of content, but one NSFW Exclusive release every month will now only be available at this tier or higher, whereas previously they were all released to the lower tiers on a delayed system.

💜💜 Inner Beauty - $25 Tier:

  • The $25 Tier will receive all the new rewards from the $15 Tier.

Legacy Tiers for Existing Patrons Only - All Current Tiers

  • Patrons who have an active pledge currently will be kept in what I'm calling Legacy Tiers. This will allow you to keep the current rewards structure, instead of going to the new one, if you want to.
  • "Active Pledge" is anyone who is active now and renews their pledge on March 1st.
  • These tiers will be unpublished, so will not be publicly available for new pledges once the tiers are changed to Legacy status on March 1st. I'm just mentioning this in case anyone who has canceled tries to come back into a Legacy tier after March 1st, because the option won't be available and I don't want there to be any confusion.
  • I don't have a way to offer access to these Legacy tiers after they are unpublished at the end of February.

Thank You

Before I go any further, I just want to take a minute to say thank you to each and every one of you for all of your support, both now and in the future. I'm truly blessed to have such a wonderful community here with you all, and I'm grateful each and every day that you've chosen to be here with me. Getting to be creative, and to share it with people who make me feel accepted, appreciated, and supported in the work that I do is a gift I don't take lightly. I say it a lot, but that's because I genuinely mean it - I really do have the best Patrons anyone could ask for!

Thank you for being you! 💜💜😘😘

As always, my DMs are open, so please feel free to reach out with questions! I'll be around quite a bit more in the coming weeks, so I look forward to staying current on my Inbox. 😊😊

If you've made it this far,  thanks for reading, and I'll see you March 1st for the start of exciting new things to come!

~B~ 💜💜💜


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