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Today's artwork is brought to us by the amazing HieloKuma, who designed a whole set of emojis based on my kitties for my Discord server. It seemed a shame not to use them now that the server is no more, and, well, you'll learn in a bit why Fury was chosen to represent this update! 😄😄😄

A brand new month has arrived, full of content (pretty sure that's an understatement, but moving on...), full of exciting things, and full of holiday goodness, so that means one thing - time for an update! 

💜What's going on in Beauty-land? 

💜Where are we at? 

💜Where are we going? 

Listen to me pretend like I know the answers to these questions in this little ramble (recorded at 2am, with a kitty trying to worm his way into my lap - spoiler - he didn't succeed!)

As always, thank you for being here and for being the amazing Patrons that you are! I couldn't do this without you! 💖

~Beauty~ 💜💜💜




Wonderful news all around! It's great to hear life is letting you get back to what you do best - and seriously with a vengeance no less. (And I mean making art all around, not to put one form above the others.) It's always weird how GWA time works, isn't it? It's not as if you're suddenly unknown now or anything... yet still, if this is a chance to change up how you do things in a positive way, that's all for the best. And a finale for Vixen! I can't wait to hear what you and Bun came up with for that one. That whole series has so much background that it really begs for some BTS commentary someday, doesn't it? Y'know, just in case you don't have enough things on that to-do list already.


Cheers and well done 👏 I'm new to this particular experience myself and I feel that as the artist you should dictate the output 👍I've not been on long enough to follow the vixen stories (perhaps I'll find those down the line sometime) but I did enjoy the may I series quite a bit... In any case - cheers and brava bellisima and keep being you 😍😍


Aayyy! Fury making a cameo! Lol I’m glad the kitty emojis have found a new use for you. I’m extremely excited for all of the content coming! I can’t wait! And holy moly! You are officially Beauty and the Beast cuz that’s an insane amount of content to pump out in a month. Just remember to pace yourself. Santa Beauty is living up to her name.. the gift that just keeps on giving.😁 And most of all I’m glad you’re genuinely enjoying in the process.💛


Hmmm, a commentary on the Vixen series... That's intriguing. I may just have to discuss that with my co-conspirator. There's always room on the to-do list for great stories about fantastic scripts like these. It feels great to be able to create again, to make content that people seem to be enjoying. I didn't realize how much I missed it. That may have something to do with the sheer volume of content I'm dumping on y'all this month. 😄😄😉 Maybe? 🤔🤔


If no one has said it yet - welcome! 😊😊 The Vixen series is a beautiful story of a couple who want to keep their relationship strong by exploring their sexual desires together, desires they haven't even discussed with each other before. And, let me tell you, there are some incredibly hot naughty moments that made me honestly believe the writer was trying to kill me! 😄😄😄 It's so worth a listen, if you get a chance. The same writer wrote the 'May I?' series and this one has his personal style all over it. It's fantastic! Thank you for such awesome support! 💜💜


To be honest, I've been dying to find a use for the kitties since the server shut down. They're amazing! When Fury made a pain in the butt of himself while I was trying to record the update, it occurred to me that he might be perfect for the image on this post. Ta-da! Problem solved! 😊😊 I can honestly say I'm loving the process right now. The amount of content is insane, but hopefully you'll all continue to enjoy it as the month goes on. No one ever said 'moderation' was part of my vocabulary! 😄😄 We'll just have to see what I come up with next! 💜💜💜