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Even though Katelyn was extremely resolved at this point to win, she was starting to realize that this wasn’t going to be as easy as she thought. Fluffing every single branch took way longer than she had thought it would, but even after doing all of them David still said they weren’t fluffed out enough and made her redo them.

“You gotta fluff them out in all different directions, otherwise we’ll only be able to get about a third of the ornaments on the tree. Is that what you want hon?” He asked.

At this point David really didn’t give a crap what the branches looked like, she just wanted to keep moving. She’d already been working on the tree for over a half hour and the coffee she’d had when she woke up was really starting to get to her. Concern was starting to creep into her mind as she realized this not be the slam dunk of a win that she thought it was going to be.

On her third try, David finally agreed that the branches looked fluffed out enough, so she moved onto the next step and attached all the branches.

As she worked her fiancé just sat on the couch, drinking his tea and smirking. “That diaper does look pretty cute on you ya know.” He said, chuckling, checking out his soon-to-be wife’s butt every chance he got. The diaper was tight enough that he could still see most of her curves, but it had just the right amount of poofiness in the butt that it made her look that much more adorable.

Plus, he wasn’t going to tell her this, but with the way she’d been acting lately, he thought the diaper kinda suited her naughty little butt.

David refused to help her when she couldn’t figure out how to connect the branches properly, which lost her almost another 10 minutes, but even once she figured it out, actually connecting the branches themselves took another 5 minutes at least. Thankfully she didn’t have an actual time limit to race against, but the time limit that was her bladder control was starting to run out.

As she reached up to finish connecting some of the higher branches, she could feel her stomach start to gurgle a little and she blushed as she passed some silent gas, thankful that her fiancé hadn’t heard it. Realizing that losing was starting to quickly become more of a real possibility, she picked up the pace, finally reaching the pace that David usually was at normally when they worked together.

She thought she was making good progress as she stepped up on the couch to fiddle with the last few branches, almost ready for decorations, when she felt something that shocked her. Warmth! A small trickle of warmth was flowing into her diaper as she stood elevated in this awkward way. Was she... peeing? Surely not... but what else could it be?!

She quickly finished adjusting the top branch before getting back down to the floor, feeling the warmth more easily. David had left the room for the moment, do Katelyn quickly took the chance to press her hands down against the diaper and feel for any sign of what she thought she’d done. She was soon sorry to discover that she’d been right! It wasn’t much, but in between her legs there was quite an obvious wet spot when she pressed it against her skin. She’d actually peed a little!

“Still dry over there sweetheart?” A voice said.

Katelyn jumped in surprise as she turned to find David smiling at her, having just witnessed what she’d been doing. “Y-yes! All dry! Heh, I was just adjusting it. These things feel really fucking weird you know?”

David chuckled, seemingly unaware that she was lying. “Whatever you say cutie. But ya better hurry up and get back to work before you really do wet it.” He remarked before sitting back down on the couch and opening up his book.

She sighed in relief that he hadn’t noticed, but knew she had to hurry or she was really going to be sorry.

Thankfully, David had at least pulled all the boxes that were in the garage out for her; he just hadn’t unpacked them for her. So being as careful as she could be, Katelyn rushed through pulling out every piece of tinsel and ornament she could find.

“Careful baby, don’t break anything.” David said, laughing a little as he watched how fast she was working now that something she cared about was on the line. She cringed a little at the name though, realizing she didn’t nearly like the nickname ‘baby’ as much when she was actually dressed like one. As she started to unwrap all the pieces though, she felt another small squirt of urine shoot into her diaper! Her eyes went wide as she realized that not getting her purse was no longer the only thing on the line, but now also the very real possibility of her soaking herself in a diaper!

This story was written by Zander Chesney

You can find more of his content here :




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