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It didn’t take Chloe too long to put the pieces together and figure out what was actually going on.

Just as Tina and Tori had told her, her chance at breaking free had all been planned out by them. It had all been one big test to see if Chloe was trained enough yet to stay obediently in her room once she was no longer restrained or whether she would try to escape. It was a test that the defiant Chloe had promptly failed almost immediately. Her reward, or punishment depending on who was asking, was to be assigned a Nanny. A new guardian and trainer, as well as the twins, who would be the hand of dominance and forceful obedience that would get the still occasionally misbehaving Chloe on the straight and narrow. Or else.

When Chloe had been all finished with her accident that day, her new Nanny stuck a pacifier deeply into her mouth and warned her fiercely to not even think about taking it out. Then she took the young woman firmly by the hand. “When you are in the hallway you are always to be on your hands and knees, but this once you are to walk with me. Isn’t that exciting?” The woman chuckled a little and then left the room with Chloe stumbling after her while she held her hand. They were just about to walk out the door when the woman stopped one more time and eyed Chloe, “Ya know what? Big babies like you don’t need shirts.” She reached down and tugged Chloe’s top up and off her head, throwing it aside. “Yeah, I think bare chested is much more suited to a little girl like you.” Chloe tried to complain but was only given one more firm ‘WHAP!’ in response. Then she was tugged out into the hallway.

“You’re too stupid to actually know how to escape. Isn’t that right ya little brat?” Nanny asked her as she led her quickly though the hallway. “You just wanted to meet some new friends and see the rest of the rooms didn’t you? Aww. Well don’t worry you soggy little girl. That’s exactly what we’re going to do. Come on keep up.” Nanny dragged poor Chloe along, the girl barely able to keep up with the woman despite the brunette woman being in large heels. Chloe’s hugely soaked and sagging diaper actually weighed her down and made it quite difficult to walk as her butt automatically made her hips wiggle in more of a waddling motion than her normal walking.

‘Maybe this was the reason actual babies crawled everywhere.’ Chloe thought to herself with a deep blush, wishing she didn’t have so much in common with infants at the moment. She whimpered at the memories, which were not even that long ago, when she’d been a sexy lingerie model. That all seemed like yesterday and years ago at the same time.

Just like the woman had promised her, the two of them ended up exploring room after room after room that day. Chloe whimpered deeply and tried to at least cover her breasts up with her arms, but her Nanny immediately pushed her arms down at her sides and gave her another small but fierce glare, just daring Chloe to test her.

Without ever giving Chloe a change, she got dragged around to rooms that were filled with employees, some dressed like normal people and some dressed in lab coats. She walked in one room that looked like a chemistry lab, another room that looked like a classroom full of adult students who all turned to look at her (Some of them clearly wearing used diapers like hers.), and at least a dozen other nurseries just like the room she herself had been sleeping in for weeks.

In every room they went to, Chloe’s Nanny introduced her to every person they saw and told her about how she was a very naughty girl who had tried to escape and was now being punished. This made every employee they saw giggle and shake their heads at her, or give her a few playful spankings, etc. And it made every other diapered adult Chloe saw give her a look of clear empathy before averting their eyes from her, stuck in their own fates.

By the end of their “tour” when Chloe was finally being led back inside the nursery that she recognized as her own, she had long lost track of the amount of people that had now seen her in diapers, and a wet one at that; not to mention her entirely naked breasts!

“I hope you learned a serious lesson today Chloe.” Her Nanny said as she laid Chloe down on one of the two separate changing tables in the large room. “Misbehave again, or try to escape again, and I will personally see to it that you won’t be able to sit down on your naughty ass for two weeks straight. Got it?” Chloe didn’t dare remove the pacifier that was still in her mouth, so she hoped that her intense nodding and the whimpering that was escaping from her lips was enough to convince the psycho woman.

Nanny stripped her of the diaper she was wearing, soaked heavily from the “accident” she’d had in it earlier when the woman had forced her to as well as one or two more little tinkles she’d had in it during their tour.

After cleaning Chloe up and sprinkling a nice large amount of powder all over her crotch and rubbing it in, the woman pulled out a new diaper that made Chloe blush again as soon as she saw it.

Unlike the plain white diapers she had been wearing since this whole thing started, this one was clearly made to look purposefully childish. It was colorful, and covered in stupid cartoon characters, and it looked like a diaper that an actual baby should be wearing, but sized up for an adult like her. The fact that it looked like it should be for an infant only proved to make it that much more embarrassing as the garment was wrapped around her crotch, and it fit perfectly, almost as if the garment was made for her.

“How perfect...” Nanny said with a large grin. “It really suits you.”

This story was written by Zander Chesney

You can find more of his content here :




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