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By the time Chloe got to the party she had sobered up a tiny bit, but not much. She was actually amazed at how beautiful Sandra’s house was. She’d never seen it before. It was huge! Clearly she got paid more than the up and coming models did.

Chloe paid her driver and listened to her heels clicking together as she made her way up the walkway to the front door, unaware of the strange look her driver was giving her softly crinkling backside. She went up the front steps and knocked on the front door with the full energy and anticipation of a bachelorette party all rolled into one girl.

“Chloe! Oh yay! You made it! I wasn’t sure if I’d see you.” Sandra cried out as she pulled the giggling half drunk Chloe in for a deep hug. She was quite confused though when she looked down slightly and noticed the waistband of an interesting looking garment poking out from the back of the girls’ dress. A garment she was shocked that she recognized, but even more that such a thing was wrapped around the backside of such a well-known and attractive young model such as Chloe.

The two of them pulled away, “My dear that dress is absolutely gorgeous, but what is--.”

“Oh I know!” Chloe cried out in response, taking Sandra by the arm and walking further into the party. “Isn’t it just the sexiest thing you’ve ever seen? It wasn’t cheap, I’ll tell you that hehehe!” Chloe shouted out, her words more than a little bit slurred.

“Oh no, I mean yes Chloe hon, it’s beautiful but I was actually wondering--.”

“I’ll tell you Sandra,” Chloe continued as she slipped a glass of wine off of a tray from a finely dressed server, the young man’s eyes following the young blonde in shock as she walks by. “You really know how to throw a party! Look at this place, my gosh.”

Chloe knew then that Sandra’s definition of a “small” party with just close friends was very different from her own. There was at least 25 people mulling about, the house itself well-lit and looking like something right out of Luxury Home Magazine.

Sandra smiled at her newest guest and took the girl’s light coat off and handed it to one of her employees of the evening to be taken to a back room. “Oh well thank you again Chloe, but dear I must insist I think--.”

“Oh but don’t let me keep you!” Chloe said, loud enough for plenty more people than just Sandra to hear her words before she guzzled down a good half of her wine. “Go on! Entertain your guests, I’ll just be milling about. Hehehe. Ta-ta!”

Before Sandra could even get another word out, the young naïve girl had disappeared into the crowd, unaware of the real reason why all these handsome and most likely wealthy young men as well as the women were staring at her behind...


It wasn’t even an hour later when the inevitable happened. After obliviously putting her shame on display the entire time she’d been there for Sandra’s wealthy friends, the young and severely drunk girl felt something that was familiar... but nevertheless shocking given her current circumstances.

Her crotch was suddenly, rapidly, warming up. She gasped in the middle of a sentence as she realized she had squirted a large shot of urine right into her padded undergarments! She rushed off without a word from the people she’d been talking to, but heard their whispers as she retreated from sight. Though to be honest, she’d weirdly been hearing people literally whisper behind her back all night, not to mention all the odd looks she’d been receiving. Maybe that’s just how Sandra’s friends were, she thought, after all she’d never met any of these people before tonight.

None of that was important right now though as she ran as far as she could - as quick as she could - in her heels from the crowd, until a pain in her gut bent her over slightly as she searched desperately for a bathroom in the unfamiliar house. With her knees bent, she took a breath and tried to control herself, but with so much alcohol in her system there was zero chance of that happening. She soon let out a small gasp as she felt her bladder give way completely. She had felt the need to go a bit, but between the crowd, the high of the evening, and the excessive amounts of alcohol she had consumed, she hadn’t realized she had needed to go so bad.

Poor Chloe closed her eyes, groaning out a little as her accident poured out of her, completely soaking the pull-up she’d been wearing to the point that the garment actually leaked, spreading across the front and back of her white dress and pouring down her legs and into her heels. She grunted a little, trying desperately to stem off the flow and spare at least a tiny sliver of her dignity, but it was no use at all. Her body kept going until her bladder was completely emptied.

When she finally opened her eyes, Chloe’s intense blush deepened as she realized she wasn’t alone. Sandra was standing just a few feet away, giving her a sympathetic look as she waited for Chloe to finish her accident.

As little tears appeared in the corners of Chloe’s eyes, Sandra held out her hand and offered her a small smile, “Come on dear. I’m gonna take you home now.”

This story was written by Zander Chesney

You can find more of his content here :




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