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This story was commissioned by a patron! PM me for your own commission if you'd like a story written for you!

Chapter 1

Okay… well I’m almost ready to go. 

Oh honey… You don’t need to pout, I won’t be home too late… I think.

I’m just going out with my friends, you know them. Were going to this new club that just opened, it’s just our usual girls night out.

Why are you so worried? Listen baby, I know I’ve been hard on you lately, but you have to understand it’s been tough for me too. You’re my honey bunny and I love you, but we’ve talked about this… I haven’t felt real pleasure in a long time. It’s not your fault at all, but with that tiny thing between your legs… Well... It’s not like it’s been really exciting for me, you know. Don’t take it the wrong way… you’re not doing anything bad, it’s just that I don’t feel anything when you’re inside me, that’s all. There’s nothing you can do about it.
I’ve told you all of this before, it’s not anything new but you can’t expect me to just say nothing and accept it. Why should YOU have all the fun? 

You’re my baby…. but you also kind of have a baby dick. I’m sorry, it’s true. You know it’s true. And if it was only that...but now the bed wetting?

Hey, hey… it’s okay, please don’t start crying again, I don’t have time to have this conversation right now. I don’t mind it, it’s fine. I get it… I’ve been going out more and more… partying late while you stayed at home… Sometimes I’m not coming back until the next morning... And you feel abandoned, I get that. 

That’s why you’ve been regressing lately, it’s not your fault. It’s your body’s way of saying you want me to take care of you. And to show me you need attention, you started wetting your bed again, just like when you were young and your mom left. 

It makes me sad, really. In a way I do feel responsible for it… at least a little bit. I mean I’m not the one who’s peeing in our bed, but I do want to help you as much as I can.

And yeah, at first I thought it was just a one-time thing and it wouldn’t happen again, but… when it started to be every single night… You understand why I didn’t want to sleep in that bed anymore, don’t you? It’s nothing against you, but you have to admit, it’s kind of gross and... you know… I have my own needs too.

It’s not like it’s been easy for me to wake up in a wet bed either… That’s why I need my nights out like this, it’s MY way of coping with it. Sure I might meet other people and… yeah, one thing might lead to another... but you’ll always be my sweetie pie... I will always come back to you, okay? I have to go soon, but I’m gonna make it up to you, I promise.

Now be a good boy and bring me those diapers I picked up for you, your babysitter’s on her way and I want you in your Pampers when she gets here.

Yes, I hired you a babysitter so you wouldn’t be alone tonight. I’m sorry but I don’t want you to start getting drunk by yourself again… and I certainly don’t want any late night calls of you crying over the phone like last time. It embarrasses me.

When I stop answering you keep sending these pathetic texts and… I’m sorry, not pathetic but… you know what I mean. It makes me sad to see you like that. It feels like I’m doing something wrong... 

I don’t want you to be all by yourself while I’m out with other people.

That’s why I asked one of my friends to come over for the night. I’m sure you guys will get along, she’s really nice, trust me. She knows our situation and she’s super open minded. This way you can have someone to talk to and hang out with... and you won’t feel abandoned anymore. Hopefully this helps cure your bed wetting too, but you’re still wearing a diaper just in case.

Don’t give me that look, we talked about this. You agreed with me that it isn’t fair that I get peed on every night just because YOU can’t hold it. I gave you the benefit of the doubt long enough, now if you don’t want me to sleep somewhere else, you have to protect yourself. 

I know you think it’s humiliating, but I’m not judging you… listen, I would much rather sleep with a diapered boy than wake up in a puddle of pee.

It’s not childish, it’s the mature thing to do... you be a big boy and bring me your Pampers now, I’ll help you put them on before I go. Come on sweetie, don’t be embarrassed, you go ahead and open up that drawer of yours. You know which one, the one we put all your new undies in. 

Yes, baby... I know I said you would only have to put them on right before you go to bed, but tonight we’ll make an exception, okay? I want you to have it on already when the babysitter gets here because I don’t want her to forget… and I know you won’t be the one to remind her, will you? Mister bashful pants.

Unless you wanna wait until I’m gone and have HER take care of it? Don’t you think it would be more embarrassing for you to show her where you keep your diapers and have her put it on you? Really? You would rather do that that then just get it over with now, with me?

I mean, either way she’ll know you’re wearing them baby… There’s no way around it, but it’s okay, she doesn’t mind... I’ve told her on the phone already.  I just think it’s better for you if we get you ready before she arrives. Sure it means you’ll be spending the evening in a diaper, but it’ll give you a chance to get used to them, hmm?

That way it’ll be done, you’ll be safe and secure and I’ll feel better knowing there won’t be any wet sheets to change in the middle of the night. Go on, get your Pampers for me sweetheart.

Aww, you don’t like that I call them ‘Pampers’? You cutie. It’s my little nickname for your diapers, it reminds me that you’re my little baby. Would you prefer if I call them ‘’Pull-Ups’’ instead? That’s cute too… well if it helps with your nighttime potty training I don’t see why not.

Let’s put you in your Pull-Ups then!
I guess it does make it sound more like big boy undies… but the ones I picked for you don’t really look like they’re for big ‘boys’…

Oh stop it, I told you, I didn’t like the blue camo prints they had at the store. It’s too violent for a cuddle bunny like you. No, the hearts and flowers will suit you much better. So what if they’re supposed to be ‘‘for girls’‘, you don’t really believe that, do you? 

It’s the current year, there are no more ‘’boy and girl’’ clothes… anyone can wear whatever they want. Pink is not any less of a boy color than blue, alright? 

You’re not embarrassed by that, are you sweetheart? I mean sure there’s a picture of a girl on the package, but that doesn’t mean anything...

You’re my precious little boy. I know you’re confident enough with your masculinity, you’re not offended by a few hearts and flowers, right hun? Only a sissy would feel threatened by that. Are you a sissy? No? Then you shouldn't care about what you wear.

Look a diaper’s a diaper anyway. Who cares what pattern is on it, as long as it does it’s job, which is to keep you… and me... dry.

Besides, no one except me and your babysitter is gonna see you in those, so what’s the big deal? You could be wearing pink Pull-Ups with Disney princesses on them, it wouldn’t make a difference for me at all. It would actually look cute on you.

Now I don’t want to hear any more complaints about how ‘’girly’’ they are. When you go out to the store and buy your own diapers, maybe then you can pick the color you like if that’s such a big deal for you, okay? Until then I get to choose. 

And you know what I’m choosing next? I’m choosing to put these on you.



I'm usually not a big fan of POV stories, but this was very well done, in fact, I'd love to hear one of your associates reading it, or even better, the whole thing as a POV video.


I'll try to make it happen!!