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Chapter 23

Mom: Joanna! JOANNA! Wake up!!

My eyes slowly opened and I felt super groggy. Mom was shaking me and my tired eyes eventually focused on her.

Mom: Time to go Jo, we’re gonna be late.

I looked at the time; it was 9:55. With all of my being I lifted myself out of bed and sat on the ledge, giving my eyes a quick rub. My butt felt...cold...and after a moment of waking up I realized; I had wet the bed during my nap. I threw back my head and groaned, loudly. 

Mom: What’s wrong? I thought you were looking forward to this evening!

Joanna: I am! But I’m wet already, I went in my sleep. 

Mom crossed her arms and gave me an unimpressed look.

Mom: Well that’s your own damn fault. I’m not changing you, I told you those were to last you until you got home after midnight.

Joanna: Mom please, just change the one diaper! I think the rest are dry, I just don’t wanna be wet right when I go out!!

Mom: I’m not changing you. I’ll gladly add another diaper if your worried it’s not enough though!

I shot a glare to her, but she wasn’t going to budge. There I was sat on the bed, arms crossed pouting like a little girl in her wet diapers. I must’ve looked so pathetic. 

Mom: Didn’t think so, well come on, we need to go!

Joanna: I need to get ready!

Mom: You’ll have to do it on the way, we’re leaving now!

Geez, she was really eager to get me out of here. Probably just happy to get rid of me...or too excited to have me out there humiliating myself. I stood up and stretched; my diaper was already starting to feel heavier from the bed wetting. I looked down to see if it had made much of a difference in the size of them, and I couldn't tell. Maybe since they were already massive it was harder to notice much extra growth, for now at least. 

With my Mom standing impatiently at the door, I quickly grabbed a bit of makeup and threw it into my purse along with my wallet and phone. Then I waddled to the door, trying my best to figure out how to walk somewhat normally in that thick of padding. I scowled and walked through the door, not making eye contact with Mom. She smiled, and as I passed she gave me a quick slap on my diapered ass. When I felt it I froze, turned around, and glared into her soul. I’m usually a little bit grumpy when I just wake up, but waking up wet and my Moms shenanigans were making me way worse. She just chuckled and closed the door.

We got in the car and I texted Amber we were on our way. As I was doing my makeup in the mirror, I started to get more and more anxious. I started thinking “What if amber finds out? Will she still be my friend? What if I mess myself and smell up the whole bar?”

Earlier I was saying “fuck it” but now again, I was having doubts. Yeah I had a lot of money to spend on booze, but was it really worth the potential humiliation? And my Mom...She was COUNTING on me being humiliated, so do I play into her trap or avoid the risk altogether? Then again, it wasn’t often I got this opportunity. My Mom was always so stingy with money for me, especially when it came to alcohol. And even though I just got a bunch of money from Daddy,  and he’ll pay me even more soon, I still had to pretend that I was still only earning my waitress wage. 

I finished my makeup and left it aside. I could see where Amber was staying, and she was standing outside. She was also wearing a sundress, but a different color to mine. When we got closer, she saw us and waved. My Mom stopped and she opened the back door. 

Amber: Heeyyyyy

Joanna: Hey! How was your night?

Amber: Pretty good so far! How about you?

I really wanted to say “It was crap, I shit myself at the beach and my mom made sure to get video of me in a soaked diaper, a diaper not too different from the two I have on right now (not to mention the extra padding) that I will be wearing and wetting all night. One of them is already a little bit wet, as I cannot control when I pee or poop anymore due to some handsome and wealthy older man who’s paying me a great deal to be part of his strange “Daddy/Little girl” scenario and controlling me with this watch.” But instead I said:

Joanna: Yeah it’s been good.

Amber: I’m really excited for this though, thanks for picking me up!

Mom: It’s no problem!

Amber: My dad gave me cash for a cab ride home for both of us Jo so you don't have to worry!

Mom: How nice! Tell him thanks.

Amber: I will! It smells really nice in here, like baby powder or something. 

The blood rushed from my head and my mind raced. “Oh my god she knows, oh my god she’s known this whole time, is she taking me out to humiliate me too? Is my Mom in on something with her? Is she paying her?”

Mom: I keep some in the trunk for the long drives, keeps things fresh.

Amber: Oh cool! I never thought about doing that. 

My thoughts slowed down and I convinced myself to relax. She didn't know, there was no way. She leaned up to my seat and whispered.

Amber: Soooooo Joanna, how lit up are we getting?

Amber was really excited, I didn't want to let her down, but I was also worried.

Joanna: I don't know… a little?

Amber: In your dreams girl. This was such a random time for us to both be out here, it has to be some kind of fate...some kind of party god telling us that we are destined to get fucked up tonight. What do you say?

I smiled at her quirky beliefs, and thought...fuck it. What's the worst that could happen. Even if Amber found out, she’s not one to shame. 

Joanna: Yeah, lets do it.

This story was written by Yesyouneeddiapers
Find more of his content here :


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