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Chapter 5
A Soggy Morning

“No no no no no…” Stella mumbled repeatedly to herself. “Shit shit shit shit shit…” The girl had hopped immediately out of bed and looked down at her legs. Her pink kitten shorts were now a much darker shade and had been completely soaked. The smell of urine in the room stung Stella’s eyes. “What have I done…?” Stella said softly to herself. The girls’ knees were practically shaking as she thought of what would happen when Ms. Pedigrew discovered what had happened.

Stella was spurned into action at the thought of her boss’ anger. She quickly stripped all the sheets from the bed and did her best to hide any evidence of what had happened. But to Stella’s horror not only had the sheets been stained but there was a big yellow stain on the mattress as well! Stella was staring at the spot and trying to decide what to do next when she jumped as there was a loud knock at the door.

“Stella?” Anne called threw the door. “Are you awake yet?” Stella looked at the clock. It was past the time she normally woke up for work already.

“Uh… y-yes! I am!”

“Are you dressed?”

“Um… y-yes… BUT…!” Stella’s words caught in her throat at the older woman opened the door without even asking if she could come in. It was her house after all.

“Good morning dear, I brought…” It was Ms. Pedigrew’s turn to have words caught in her throat as she let out a scream at the state of her elegant guest bedroom. The mattress had a huge yellow stain on it, her sheets were soaked and rolled up in a ball as a sorry attempt to hide what had happened, and her young “responsible” employee was standing there red faced with her entire lower body coated in urine. Ms. Pedigrew stood with her eyes wide and her mouth slack-jawed in astonishment for several seconds.

“Ms…Ms. Pedigrew…? I know this looks bad but…” While Stella spoke her boss knelt down and picked up the disposed of pull-up that Stella herself had thrown across the room the night before. “I promise I’ll pay to have everything cleaned and…” Stella was silenced as Ms. Pedigrew put up a firm and angry hand like a crossing guard.

“Not another word…” The older woman said, anger rumbling in her voice. “I will take care of this, go shower right now or you will make us both late for work.” Stella hesitated but quickly exited the room and rushed towards the bathroom. Stella wanted to get as far away from her boss as she possibly could.


Anne looked around the room. The girl had lied to her, the same as her niece had. Unbelievable. Stella was 22. Or so she had thought. At least her niece was 15, but even that was too old to be acting like such a child. And to think… she had actually had Stella in mind for becoming head of the company. Unbelievable… Anne put on work gloves that she had handy in the dresser from when her niece had stayed over and picked up the rolled up ball of wet sheets. She shook her head angrily at the mess, especially at the pull-up that had been completely ignored and disregarded. As Anne picked up the little white thing she softly spoke, “What a shame.”


Back in the bathroom Stella was horrified over what had happened. She hadn’t had an accident in so long. How did this happen?! And why did this happen? Was it really the stress and anxiety brought about by her boss believing that she was going to have an accident? If it was just a random occurrence it could not have happened at a worse time. Stella held her anxiety back as much as she could as she stripped herself out of her wet clothes. To her embarrassment she remembered that except for her underwear these weren’t even her clothes. These pink kitten shorts and striped shirt were the niece’s clothes; and now they were soaked with Stella’s pee. Stella put the wet clothes in a pile on the floor and showered for the second time in 24 hours in this house.

When she was finished Stella stepped out of the shower wrapped in a big fluffy towel and blushed when she realized that she had no clothes except for the wet crumbled mess on the ground. She opened the door to the bathroom and tip-toed her way back to the guest room once again, just like she’d done the night before.

To Stella’s chagrin Anne was in the room waiting for her sitting on a rocking chair in the corner, fully dressed and ready for work as the younger girl stood there in a towel. The evidence of what she’d done before now missing besides the stained mattress.

“Ya know,” Anne said matter-of-factly. “You’re lucky actually. Lucky that you didn’t wear your work clothes to sleep in last night, otherwise we would have needed to find you something else to wear altogether.”

“Y-yeah…” Stella said softly, unsure how to reply.

“But lucky you, you can wear the same thing to work that you wore yesterday. Not very professional… but we’ll all give you a break for today.” Stella walked up to a dresser where her work blouse and skirt had been folded up. Another blush grew on her cheeks as Stella realized that had had her accident in her only pair of underwear. She could still wear her bra for the day but her panties were soaked. Anne seemed to know exactly what she was thinking because she spoke up once again. “If you had worn what I had asked last night you still would have embarrassed yourself but at least you would have been honest with me and at least you would have day old panties to wear right now. But because I am a generous person I will help you out once again…” The woman sighed softly. “Open up the top left drawer, I unpacked my niece’s things for you.”

Stella had a bad feeling in her stomach, but she opened the drawer. Inside the dresser was an array of quite girly panties. In Stella’s mind, even though the niece had been 15 apparently, she had some childish tastes. The panties in the drawer were all simple cotton and bright colors and were all decorated with either cute animals of some kind or just joyful designs like hearts. Stella picked out one of the least childish she could find. It was a white pair with frilly yellow trim and a little yellow bow, and a sun with sunglasses on one of the butt cheeks. Stella tried to have some privacy behind one of the curtains of the canopy but Ms. Pedigrew sat there awkwardly staring at her while she changed into the nieces panties and back into her work clothes from the day before.

“Ready?” Ms. Pedigrew commented, standing up from her seat. “Then let’s get to work.”


This story was written by Zander Chesney
You can find more of his content here :


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