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This is her in the fight versus Rightor in the Book 1 Prologue. Obviously we'll update for "modern" Dent!

Another sneak peek just for yall! Hope you like it! Also Chapter 60 dropping tomorrow! It's a short, but good one!




Hooooboy... Now, THAT is a tough woman!


Oh wauw externals and colour scheme is so different from what I imagined. I actually thought externals were more like sims crystals floating above your shoulders. I did think they would vary a bit in size, but this is pretty cool. You can really see that these CADs aren’t for games.


Oh that wasn't what I'd imagined but that looks sick! Is chapter 60 the Epilogue or a separate thing?


Badass! She has a sorta spider man theme going on. Also she has a scar on her face and limbs.


This is before she went to the front lines.

Devin Jaros

This is so cool!!!

Aubrey Listi

I imagined the blue as closer to cerulean for some reason. 😂 but I do like the spiderman look too


Are they going to add the bad ass scars? I've bene trying to imagine those things. They always make her sound so bad ass


Wow! That's really cool. Not how I pictured externals, especially since I think I remember other users having just one, but super cool.


I've been trying the to picture the line on her face marking her prosthetic and can't quite visualize, would love to see a close up face with this showing.

Rusty Barnes

The blunted end Swords wouldn't be great for stabbing. I always thought her Swords would resemble Lu Xun's short Swords from Dynasty Warriors. Externals look pretty much exactly what I've always thought they would. Overall Dent looks amazing.

jacob shlagel

I think they are chopped so they don’t connect to the rest of the art it shows them pointed to the right

Raymond Lenihan

Total badass, looks like a high tech Yerin from Cradle!

Aidan Geverdt

Hmm. I prefer what my brain pictures.


oh god I can't wait.


My life has turned into a waiting period between Friday's when a new storm weaver chapter comes out. I hope you're happy with what you've turned me into. I'm effectively a junkie.


I've been thinking about these images since this morning when I first seen them. They are thought provoking. Back to Dent's prosthetic, did she get hit without Kestrel called or did she get hit hard enough that it tore through the helm? If it is the second option, it would be interesting to have Kestrel hint at the recollection of the event at some point. I am thinking if the helm got torn through, it would be as significant of an event in Kestrel's past as it is Dent's.


Great younger Dent art. I also thought her externals looked more like thin rockets than wing pieces.


(Nonspoiler) As an aside the final, non-content based blooper from Cradle’s Waybound reminded me of some previous comments I’ve made here. I’ll try to be less of a begging lunatic in the future. Bryce gonna try bloopers section add for the Iron Prince hardbounds’ rumored ks? 😝

Andrey Gerasimenko

Not a good look. And her armor looks like ''''' {Kestrel’s iconic, fluid steel form. It was only a partial call, covering just the one limb from fingers to shoulder, but it made the impression Rei suspected she was going for.}'''''''


I think it's a great look 🤗 Especially given what the art is intended for and the ease it needs to be able to be drawn with. -Bryce


honestly, i always pictured it like some of the things you see in cyberpunk 2077

Arjun Agarwal

where is the black line of her jaw prosthetic


We always recommend reading the full post before comment, Arjun 😁 This is Prologue Dent, long before she retires from the front lines.

Melchisedec Bailey

Isn't half her face supposed to be messed up?

Skyler Dalton

Love how it kinda looks like Spider-Man and how she’s a fan of marvel movies and quotes Spider-Man In the first book