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Clark felt sick, stumbling backwards into a solid structure as his feet straddled a log. Infact, as he looked down, the log was more like a leviathan, the twisting fibers easily longer than him, and joining a sea of similar ropes underfoot. All around him, the same pattern of tangled fibers extended for miles, a uniform grey color dominating. It was dark wherever he was, but there was enough light coming from the horizon to see his immediate surroundings.

He turned and looked behind him to see a wide bar of light coming from the horizon. But it didn't stretch the whole way across. Instead, the blinding brightness stopped abruptly as if it was more of a passageway than the true edge of the world. It was too bright to see anything around it, so Clark turned away from it.

He looked up, but all he could see was a dark, endless sky.

Then he heard it.


The sound of air moving back and forth was eerily loud, like breathing, but on a whole different scale. He turned to the source of the clouds and yelped, falling backwards onto a tangle of rough fibers as caught sight of Lara.

She was still sitting on her feet, her legs spread in front of her, but instead of a mere giantess, she was now the size of a planet. Clark took one look at her thighs, each one a hundred miles tall, and trembled in fear. He could see the individual threads on her jeans, the fibers as thick as his limbs. His eyes were drawn to her crotch, too tall for him to even fathom the immense womanhood behind the stitch in the denim.

It was her breathing that he could hear, even the minimal sound loud to his puny ears. Suddenly, the giantess leaned forward and Clark watched the immeasurably huge torso descend in his direction. In particular, the moon-sized breasts behind her t-shirt, hurtling down like meteors to deal a cataclysmic strike. But they stopped short of the ground.

Clark curled up into a ball, terrified at what he had just witnessed. He was shaking all over as he lay on the carpet, never before having thought it possible to be so small.

Lara's face loomed over him, her eyes scanning for his form. Finally, one of the huge, blue orbs pinned him down and the pupil expanded as it tried to focus in on him. The whoosh of her breathing was deafening now, and Clark felt his hair move back and forth as the girl's nose sucked and blew gales with each breath. She remained over him for a moment longer, taking in the pathetic, cowering spec that she had reduced him to, before sitting up again, and leaving him on the vast plain of the carpe once more.

'WELL, THAT EXPLAINS THAT,' her whisper boomed, loud enough to bring Clark to his knees. As she sat up, her butt came to rest on her heels again, and the ground shook with the force of an earthquake.

'BUT WHAT GOOD IS IT IF I CAN'T EVEN SEE YOU?' she sang, pressing a button and bringing Clark up to 2cm in height. He remained on his hands and knees, heaving as his stomach complained about the rapid changes in his size, struggling to move the air in and out as it shrank and expanded.

'Now, what do these other buttons do?' Lara asked, again not looking at the tiny boy who she was supposed to be helping.

'Lara … please, just grow me back,' Clark pleaded, his breathing ragged.

'Oh, but I want to see what this thing can really do,' she grinned, 'And I know you won't let me try it out once you're big again.'

Clark felt his stomach flip at the playful yet menacing tone of her reply, but before he could utter another word, the giantess continued.

'What does CONSTITUTION mean?' she asked, looking at a title above a drop down menu where "regeneration" was selected. The other options were "rubber" and "rock," and Lara was keen to figure out what they meant. She pressed the "rubber" button and watched Clark eagerly.

Nothing happened.

She then tried "rock," but again, nothing changed.

'Stop it! What are you doing? Just grow me back!' Clark screamed at the top of his lungs, his voice coming out as little more than a squeak. He knew he had no leverage anymore, having given away the code for the machine already. He suddenly felt sick for no other reason than realizing that Lara wasn't really trying to help. She just wanted to play with him.

The giantess was so absorbed in the remote that she almost didn't notice her tiny toy running away from her. At 2cm tall, he was able to cover a little more distance than he had been at before, and Clark made a beeline for the door. He had almost reached it when Lara's head tilted up and she saw him.

She stood up with a graceful flex of her legs and giggled at the tiny man's pathetic attempt to escape. She started towards him, adding a menacing little stomp to each step.

Clark felt the first tremor and his heart sank.


She was taking her time, going extra slowly to tease out every little bit of hope that Clark might have, before eventually crushing it. He was getting close to the door, but Lara knew that he wouldn't escape. She watched his tiny legs stumble across the carpet, each of her steps presenting a risk of his tripping. She was so caught up in her fascination with the struggling insect, that she didn't hear the sounds of footsteps coming from outside.

Clark turned back to see Lara approaching, and never saw the door coming.

The blonde's smile shattered as the door to Amanda's bedroom swung open, the hallway light piercing the darkness. The bottom of the door smacked Clark head on, sending him flying backwards. Lara heard the clunk as the wood struck the man, expecting him to splatter against it.

But surprisingly, he remained entirely intact, rolling onto his back with a groan. She immediately thought of the remote, and the settings that she had entered.

'Lara? Are you in there?' came Lucy's voice.

Lara panicked, her eyes darting to the much more visible shrunken man. She did the only thing she could think of and slammed her thumb on the screen as she hid the remote behind her back.

'What are you doing in the dark?' Lucy asked, stepping through the door.

Clark groaned as his body ached from the violent strike of the door. He opened his eyes to see a scarily familiar sight: Lucy's gigantic body towering over him. Even at four times his previous size, the immense brunette was terrifying. He opened his mouth, just as Lara's thumb simultaneously pressed the "-" and "Rubber" buttons.

Lucy's bare foot soared above him, just as he recoiled to about 1 mm in height. If he had had any chance of being noticed, it vanished with his stature. This vast sole of the girl's foot covered the entire sky over his head, the deep creases formed by the lines in her skin akin to shelves on a bookcase.

Even simply walking around the house, the central heating had conjured a thin layer of sweat on her foot, and dust and dirt had clung to her skin. The filthy sole hung above him for another moment … then fell.

Lara winced as her housemate stomped on the spot where Clark had just been, but what was she supposed to do? She didn't want the brunette to know about the shrunken boy, so this was her only choice. As Clark was crushed under the ball of Lucy's left foot, flattened like a bit of gum against her dirty skin, Lara only thought about how she would get him back.

'Well?' Lucy asked again, her hands on her curvy hips.

'Oh … nothing,' Lara stammered, slipping the remote into her back pocket, 'I thought I forgot something in here from this morning.'

Clark should have blacked out. But he was no longer afforded that luxury. While neither he nor Lara had not known it, the "rubber" setting was possibly the worst that could have befallen him. He didn't withstand impact like the "rock" mode, and his body was viciously crushed, but he remained fully conscious, able to feel every ounce of the monumental pressure that was on top of him. He silently screamed as the brunette shifted her weight, further compressing him under her foot. It was a bizarre sensation as, through the pain, Clark could feel his body conforming to the tiny creases in the girl's skin, sinking into the crevices of her footprint.

'Did you find it?' Lucy asked.

'Find what?' Lara replied, forcing her eyes away from her housemate's foot.

'Whatever you thought you left in here?' the brunette replied with a puzzled look.

'Oh … right, yeah, I guess so,' Lara mumbled, trying to think of a way to get the other girl to move. Fortunately, she just needed to get lucky.

'Ooookay,,' Lucy sighed, 'You have fun with that.'

With a wave, the brunette turned and walked out of the room, shutting her own bedroom door after entering it. Lara waited a second before diving to the carpet in search of her prize. She almost felt silly as she scanners the floor, searching for any sign of the teeny tiny boy. She almost had her nose to the ground before she realized what had happened. Her eyes darted up to the open door and she grimaced at the thought of her prize being stuck to Lucy's sweaty foot.

Her frustration lasted only for a moment though, and Lara stood up, brushing the dust from her knees. Clark would come off of Lucy's foot eventually, and all she had to do was wait. Even if it took all day, she could be patient. With a shrug, she made her way back to her own room, leaving the door open as she sat down to another Zoom seminar. She showed her face but her mind was clearly elsewhere. Not wanting to waste time, she switched off her video and pulled out the remote. The non-descript device didn't have a name or a brand, so the blonde decided to try to investigate on her own. Opening an incognito tab on her phone, she set about googling "shrinking pills."

Meanwhile, Clark was in hell. He had thought that the initial crushing had been bad enough, but in his current consistency, he not only remained a flattened blip on the giantess's foot, but he felt the same agony of being obliterated by the colossus with each step she took. Again and again, the oblivious brunette trod on him, putting him through more agony than any other person had ever felt. He could hear his bones snapping with ease, but his skin nerve broke and he didn't bleed, and even as his skull was squashed, he could still hear the deafening boom of her footfalls, still smell the stale odour of her foot, still taste the salty sweat as it leaked into his mouth, and still feel the heat of her body as he was compacted into a pancake.

Lucy found her desk chair and sat down heavily, alleviating the pressure on Clark for a second, but she immediately shuffled forward and leaned over her desk, sending more than enough of her weight through her legs to keep the shrunken boy 2-dimensional. Sitting high, her heels came off of the ground, and all of the force of her meaty legs went through the balls of her feet, and through a silently shrieking Clark. He could just about hear the start of her seminar as he was smothered by her sole, and he prayed to any God that would listen for a short presentation.


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