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All characters in this story are over the age of 18

Helen was almost knocked off her feet by the seismic shockwave that tore through the entire area. Everyone was still scrambling to safety as they were split into small groups and evacuated through different tunnels and passageways in a desperate effort to escape the chaos.

''I'm guessing the battle has started,'' Giovanni stated.

Helen glanced at him before looking upward. Cracks were beginning to splinter across the rocky ceiling, expanding with every powerful impact. Dread choked her as she wondered what was going on. She knew that Isabel was going to give everything. She believed in her with all her heart. However, not knowing exactly what was happening was killing her. Her senses were erratic as she tried to keep a calm mind and think about helping everyone else. That was all she could do right now.

Then what?

Would they just keep running? What hope did they have if Isabel died today? The dragons would continue to reign supreme and the last breath of humanity would be snuffed out. Frustration replaced Helen's fear.

''I know that look,'' Jon's voice barely reached her as more shockwaves rattled the cave. ''Don't do what I think you're about to do.''

Helen's resolve was evident across her expression. ''I am not going to leave her alone. Whether she rises or falls; I want to be there with her.''

''I hate to say this, but you'll only get in the way.''

It was a sensible reaction. Helen knew that Jon was right. But, that didn't mean she had to agree with him. She rested her hand on her chest and felt her hurt beating. Over the past several days, she had felt a fire within her that was slowly growing stronger. She doubted that it was anything comparable to what Isabel felt. However, there was a new inner strength that had ignited. She felt stronger with Isabel nearby. She prayed that it was the same for the Dragon Slayer. ''I can't explain it,'' she said. ''But, I think she'll need me there. I feel like I'm the spark that will light her flame. I have to go.''

When she turned to look at her oldest friend, she saw the concern in his eyes. The giant of a man always had the softest face. No matter how angry or scared Helen got, she'd always rely on Jon to be there for her and calm her down. She expected him to turn and run. Instead, he grabbed something that was holstered by his waist. ''In that case, you'll probably need this.''

Helen stared at the object hidden beneath his shawl. She gasped loudly when he pulled the fabric off to reveal a blade that was as long as the historian's arm. The metal looked worn and tattered. But, it was still in one piece.

''Where do you get this?'' Helen took the sword. It still felt heavy in her hand.

''I found it in one of the caverns. I thought you'd be interested in viewing it for your studies. Although, you might find another use for it right now.''

The cave was rocked once again by the tremendous battle happening on the surface. Helen and Jon were almost knocked off their feet. Helen stared at the weapon as it glimmered under the light of a nearby torch.

''I don't know if I can use it,'' Helen glanced upward. ''But, I know someone who can.''


Isabel felt the air leave her lungs as she was knocked out of the sky and sent plummeting to the ground once again. The crash rattled her bones as she coughed up blood. Listening to the laughter coming from the army of dragons caused the fire within her to burn more uncontrollably. For a fleeting moment, she was dragged back into her memories when a pack of bullies led by Thane would heckle her. They mocked and belittled her for being different. Over and over again, they would tell her that she would never find a suitable mate. She would never have children. Those days seemed like a lifetime ago. What was once boys were now dragons. They taunted her as she rose to her feet and jumped at the king again.

''I'll bring you down even if it's the last thing I do!'' Isabel roared.

Yet, no matter how fast she moved, the king was always one step ahead. With a swift flick of his tail, he would smack Isabel back down to earth repeatedly. Despite his immense size, he was quicker than Isabel. Her eyes couldn't keep up. There wasn't even any time to dodge. Her body was battered over and over again. Blood poured out of her nose. Bruises appeared all over her body. Her knees quaked as she stood up and locked eyes with Verlundathrone. The king chortled. The throaty sound made the rocks around Isabel's feet shake.

''You are not an intelligent creature,'' he said.

She snorted. ''That insult hurt more than your attacks.''

''Your body begs to differ,'' he crawled forward, looming over her. ''You can barely stand. Why continue fighting the inevitable? Do you not understand your place amongst gods?''

''I don't know much about gods. But, if they have to come down to our level to keep us in our place, then I think they're not as high and mighty as they claim to be. You're afraid.''

Verlundathrone reared his head back and laughed louder than ever before. The force of his booming chuckle parted the clouds and opened up the sky. ''Afraid? You think I hold fear against an insignificant creature such as yourself?''

''Yeah, I do,'' Isabel replied instantly, silencing the king. He glared at her curiously. ''Humanity was considered dead and buried. But, we're still here. Drakes were thought to be untouchable. But, that was proven wrong. Dragons were believed to be unkillable. There's a corpse not too far away from here that proves otherwise. Time and time again, we've proven you wrong. You keep saying that we can't win and then we prove you wrong. Who's to say that today won't be different? I'll find a way to kill you and bring an end to all of this. That is how this story will end.''

Lowering his massive head, Verlundathrone leaned to the side so that his eye was the closest part of his body to her. Isabel saw her broken reflection. ''This is not one of your earthly stories. Your fate will be the same as that of the other worlds we have reduced to ashes.''

Hoping to catch him off guard, Isabel leapt at the king and balled her fist. She tried to strike his eye, but he turned his head sharply, bashing her with his hardened snout. Isabel tumbled across the ground before crashing into a stone pillar. Suddenly, she was finding it difficult to breathe. Her chest felt like it had been caved in as she struggled for air. She clawed at the pillar, trying to lift herself. But, her legs buckled and she collapsed in heap. More laughter from the dragons followed. Tears stung Isabel's eyes. Nothing had changed. She was still the same girl who was stepped on by others and made to feel weak. Even with all of these new abilities, she was someone else's punching bag. Somehow, that hurt more than the thought of death. Her attempts to stand were futile. Her arms gave out and she lay on the ground.

Verlundathrone's long neck extended and slithered closer. ''I think the time for games is over. You've entertained me long enough.''

Isabel had just enough strength left in her body to twist her neck so that she could see what the king was doing. Light glowed between the scales on his neck as flames danced out of his mouth.

''I'm sorry,'' Isabel whispered. ''I thought I could do it.''


Her heart pounded against her chest a familiar cry reached her. Ignoring the pain, Isabel rolled onto her elbow and turned toward the direction of Helen's voice. She saw Helen standing at the foot of a cave holding an ancient weapon aloft. The sword gleamed under the light above. Isabel had never seen such a magnificent sight. However, the admiration did not last as all of the dragons, including the king, turned their heads to stare at the newcomer. Isabel's eyes widened in fear. ''No! Get out of here!''

Helen drew her hand back and tossed the sword as far as she could towards Isabel. It landed within touching distance of the Dragon Slayer. She stared at the weapon for a short while before returning her gaze towards Helen.

There was no fear in her eyes.

''Get up!'' Helen yelled. ''I know you can do this!''

Verlundathrone tittered. The booming echo was so great that it nearly knocked Helen back. ''And who are you? This creature's mate?''

Much to the astonishment of everyone, including the king himself, Helen ignored the titanic beast and continued to speak with Isabel. ''You made me believe that we can find a better life in this world. You made everyone believe that we had a chance to rise and take back our world. I refuse to let you fall now. You are the fire in my heart. And I will forever be the fire in yours. Use my strength and channel it with your own. Become the hero I know you are. You are my hero, Isabel. Nothing will ever change that.''

''These creatures continue to amuse me,'' the king mocked.

Helen never looked at him. But, she did point a finger in his direction. ''Now, get up and send that fucking lizard back down to Hell!''

One of Verlundathrone's talons plunged into the ground nearby, knocking Helen off her feet. The opening to the cave broke and fell on top of her. There was no time for her to escape.

Helen shielded her head and braced for the inevitable. With her eyes closed, she heard the rocks pile on top and land all around her. However, her body remained unscathed. As soon as it went quiet, she lifted her arms and glanced up to see what had happened. A quiet gasp slipped out of her mouth as she saw Isabel on her hands and knees, covering her and stopping the rocks from crushing her. The sword was still in the young woman's hand. There was so much debris around them that they couldn't see the king or the other dragons anymore. Embedded in the rocks, they stayed there and gazed at each other. It pained Helen's heart to see her in such a bruised and broken state. Bloody scars strewed across every part of her body. The rocks piled on her back were a breeze compared to what the king had done to her. Helen reached up to cup Isabel's face. A single tear ran down her cheek, which Helen brushed aside with her thumb.

''You're my hero too,'' Isabel whispered.

She leaned down and kissed Helen on the lips. Helen happily returned the kiss. Their embrace made Isabel's heart roar like thunder. Deepening the kiss, feeling her love course through her body like blood, ignited Isabel like never before. The past didn't matter. All she wanted was a future where Helen would be safe. She wanted all the madness and fighting to end. No more unnecessary death or conflict. Not even her own. She wanted to live. She wanted to spend the rest of her life with Helen. They were going to start a new chapter. They were going to live on and help the world into a new dawn. And when Isabel would die of old age, she would have so many wonderful tales for Jess when they met again in the next life.

Isabel's body burnt hotter than ever before. She pulled away, fearing that the heat would overwhelm Helen. However, Helen appeared unaffected by it, despite her clothes charring and dissolving into nothingness. They shared a confused look between them.

''I'm with you,'' Helen said, taking Isabel's hot hand and placing it over her chest to feel her heart.

They were joined as one. Together, they grasped the hilt of the sword. The blade burst into flames but didn't melt. Hypnotized by the fire, Isabel saw the flickers take on the shape of people they dup knew. Their memories played before them in the fire, showing them everything they have loved and lost. A face was forged in the fire.

Jess's face.

Isabel and Helen gazed at the fire. It was as if the girl was with them right now. Part of the fire trailed off and smothered itself between the two women before disappearing completely. They could still feel the fire's warmth. Jess would always be with them.

With renewed strength, Isabel lifted herself onto her feet and pushed the rubble away. Helen's eyes sparkled as she gazed upon Isabel's powerful stance. The Dragon Slayer confronted her enemies. The sword in her hand was still engulfed in flames and ready for battle.

Verlundathrone cackled sinisterly as he leered over them. ''There seems to still be some fight left in you. A dying gasp.''

In the blink of an eye, Isabel disappeared. There was only dust left in her wake. Before the king realized what was happening, half of his vision turned red. Blood erupted from a long gash that sliced over his right eye. When the pain took hold, he howled loud enough to shake the world. Helen shrunk to the ground and covered her ears. The other dragons reared back in shock as their king was left bleeding out of the large newly-formed scar. Their eyes quickly scanned their surroundings as they searched for Isabel. Despite their superior senses, Helen spotted her first; drawn to her by an unseen force. When the other dragons found Isabel, they surrounded her like a pack. Helen smiled proudly as she saw the Dragon Slayer stand her ground against the dragons, shrouded in flames and gripping the sword that was now coated in the king's blood.

''Try and stop me,'' Isabel growled. ''If you're ready to die.''

The giant beasts paid no heed to Isabel's threat. They bared their massive fangs and lunged at her. At the last moment, Isabel leapt into the air, kicking against the head of the closest dragon and using it as a launchpad. It reared back under the force of her kick. Isabel swung her sword and sliced at the faces of the dragons that tried to stop her. The blade wasn't long enough to decapitate any of the creatures. However, it was more than enough to fend them away as she advanced towards the king. She raced through the maze of teeth and scales without slowing down even the slightest.

Despite her inhuman speed, Helen felt as if she was watching everything happening in slow motion. She could see every move Isabel was making and watched in awe. She had never seen anything so brilliant and so beautiful.

Isabel carved her way through the herd of beasts before she finally faced the king. The one-eyed behemoth released a rage-filled roar and struck Isabel. The Dragon Slayer met him head-on as her blade clashed with his fangs. Shockwaves coated in flames exploded upon impact.

''This ends now!'' Isabel stated and readied herself for the next attack.


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