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All characters in this story are over the age of 18

''Whatever she has, just put it on my tab. Thanks, Dex!''

The large, bearded bartender nodded and placed the ordered drinks on either side of the table. He left without a word, leaving Logan and Jamie alone. At this time, the bar was completely empty. The only sounds echoing throughout the interior were the gentle patter of rain hitting the wide windows and the faint music that played from a jukebox in the far corner. It was an open and easy-going place despite the rough exterior. It seemed like the perfect place for Jamie to relax after her frightful experience with the thugs. Logan was patient and gave the older woman all the time she needed to ease into the situation.

''I appreciate this,'' Jamie said softly, taking a quick sip of the coffee that Logan had ordered for her. ''Thank you.''

''Don't mention it,'' Logan shrugged.

Jamie's eyes constantly drifted in Logan's direction, as if she was magnetized to her, compelled to lock eyes with her and become lost in her intense gaze. ''You know that I'm lying.''

''I never suggested you were…''

''I can tell. I'm old, not senile. I could tell you didn't believe me when I said they mistook me for someone else.''

''You also said you couldn't go home right now. I can pick up on things too. Clearly, you're in a bad spot and those creeps are part of the reason for that.''

Jamie sighed. ''Not exactly. They're more a consequence of my situation.''

Logan slowly nodded. ''I don't mean to pry. But, if I'm going to stick my neck out for you, I need to know what I'm dealing with.''

''You don't have to do that…''

''It's too late for that now,'' Logan smiled coyly. ''Besides, I never back down from a fight.''

For the first time tonight, Logan spotted the hint of a genuine smile from the woman. The ones before felt forced. But, it started to feel like Jamie was finally letting her walls down. ''I could see that. You must have some training.''

''It's necessary for my field.''

''You're a fighter?'' Jamie asked with great intrigue.

Logan let out an amused laugh. ''Don't bother asking for an autograph. It's only amateur stuff. But, if I win, it pays the bills.''

''And if you don't win?''

''Don't know. Hasn't happened to me.''

The look on Jamie's face left Logan silently puzzled. On the one hand, she seemed more open and responsive when talking about this subject matter. However, there was also a look of fear that flashed across her face which led Logan to believe that Jamie wasn't being completely transparent with her regarding what kind of trouble she was dealing with. Occasionally, Jamie would glance out of the window to stare at the neon-lit street. Logan was certain that the older woman wasn't admiring the pretty scenery. She seemed to be on the lookout. Those punks that Logan grabbled with wouldn't dare to go for a round two. Jamie must have been wary of someone else. The thought caused the hairs on the back of Logan's neck to stand.

Jamie cleared her throat after finishing her coffee. ''I appreciate everything you've done. I must be on my way now.''

''I thought you didn't want to go back home yet?''

''I can find a motel somewhere,'' Jamie sighed. ''It'll be just for tonight. It's just one of those days. You don't have to worry about me. Everything will be alright in the morning. I just needed space to clear my head.''

''Maybe,'' Logan frowned. ''But, spending the night in an overpriced room that probably smells like piss isn't going to help lift the mood.''

The comment earned a sweet laugh from Jamie. ''Then, what do you propose?''

''You can bunk with me. I've got a couch.''

''That's a very sweet offer…''

''It's your best offer,'' Logan stated. ''Most places around here are going to be fully booked. Trust me. I've had trouble finding a bed when I'm too messed up to make it home.''

Logan was trying to balance the atmosphere with humor, but her comment seemed to make Jamie feel sorrow for her previous plights. She looked out of the window once more. After a few seconds of contemplation, Jamie huffed and stared back at Logan. She was trying not to smile. However, that was a task that proved too difficult. She fluttered her eyes before rolling them. ''You've won me over, Logan. But, this is just for tonight.''

''Of course,'' Logan grinned.

She stepped aside so that Jamie could pass and make her way toward the bar door. Logan couldn't resist a little look downward to watch the older woman's hips sway as she walked. Logan wasn't going to try anything. Jamie had clearly been through a lot. But, she wasn't going to pass on the chance for some eye candy.


''Mi casa, su casa,'' Logan said as she struggled to open the door to her apartment. ''That motherfucker was supposed to get this thing fixed.''

Jamie laughed lightly as she watched Logan try to force the door open without breaking it. She could see that the stories that Logan had told of her landlord weren't exaggerated. The place was quite rundown, and Logan's space was no exception. Jamie had feared the worst. However, there wasn't too much clutter around the floor. The occasional beer can and pizza box were noticeable. But, Jamie didn't trip over anything. In the corner, next to the window, Jamie spotted a workbench with a set of dumbbells. It wasn't much. But, it was enough for Logan to keep fit. Upon the walls, half a dozen medals were adorned.

''Have you won tournaments?'' Jamie asked curiously.

Logan approached from behind and helped the older woman to remove her coat. ''Just amateur stuff. You're not going to see my achievements on the back pages.''

''Still, it must be worth something to you if you've hung them up.''

Logan shrugged. ''It's not really about reminding me of winning. It's about me not losing. Organizers pay more for fighters who remain undefeated.''

Jamie followed Logan as she set their coats on the arm of the couch. It was just big enough for the two of them to sit on. As if she had prepared herself for a guest, Logan reached over to the side and brought up to bottled beverages. Jamie chuckled and gladly accepted the drink from her new companion. ''Undefeated, you say? That's quite impressive regardless of the level you're fighting in.''

''It is what it is. I just refuse to accept defeat. I've got bills to pay.''

There was a fleeting moment of silence between them. Jamie started to drink and her nerves were clearly shown, prompting Logan to turn so that she was fully focused on her.

''Listen,'' Logan said softly. ''I want you to know that I'm not going to try anything. I'm being genuine when I say that you're just going to stay the night to rest up.''

Much to the fighter's surprise, Jamie responded by laughing. ''That's cute.''

''What is?'' Logan asked.

Jamie took another swig from her drink before stopping. She could see that Logan was genuinely puzzled by her outburst. ''Like I really thought you were going to try and take advantage of someone like me.''

''What makes you say that? Have I not given off enough sapphic energy for you to notice?''

They shared a quick laugh before Jamie locked eyes with Logan. ''You know what I mean.''

''I'm afraid that I don't.''

At first, Jamie thought that Logan was teasing her. Then she considered the possibility that the drinks were already starting to get to her. However, it soon became apparent that Logan was being sincere and trying to understand her reluctance. Jamie felt a heat rising from her chest up to her cheeks. ''How old are you?''

''23.'' Logan answered. ''You?''


Logan snorted.

''Why do people react that way when I say that?'' Jamie griped. She looked past her rhetorical question and shifted closer to Logan. ''Anyway, I am three times your age.''

''I still don't see how that's a problem,'' Logan smirked.

Jamie gulped. ''You could go for a woman your own age.''

''I could…'' Logan replied while failing to mask how attentive she was being toward Jamie's figure.

The older woman was certain that she was blushing. She couldn't remember the last time another person had looked at her in such a way. It made her heart race and set hundreds of butterflies off in her stomach. Logan wasn't teasing. The interest was very real and Jamie didn't know how to feel. She was drawn toward Logan's piercing eyes. After calming down from the frightening experience she had earlier with the punks on the street, the adrenaline seemed to be kicking back into gear. She couldn't stop herself from glancing down at Logan's lips. Those tantalizing lips curled into a slight upward grin. Jamie felt like she had fallen right into a trap. But, she couldn't find herself feeling disappointed in the slightest.

However, her gaze was torn when Logan leapt up from the couch and made her way to the window, opening it slightly. ''Let's get some air in. It's starting to feel hot in here.''

Jamie kept her mouth shut, responding to Logan's comment with a quick nod before downing her frustrations with more alcohol.

''The age isn't a problem for me,'' Logan said. ''But, that is another factor to consider.''

Jamie saw that Logan was pointing at her, specifically down at her hand. Jamie flinched as she brushed her thumb over her wedding ring. ''Yeah, it is.''

Logan returned to the couch. ''Is your partner the one you're trying to run away from?''

''I'm not running away from him,'' Jamie said unconvincingly. ''My husband is just…under a lot of stress about something. And when that happens, it becomes stressful for me too.''

Logan nodded and took another swig. ''Listen, I'm sorry if you were caught off guard by what I said. I just wanted to make the point clear that I wasn't bringing you back to my place to try anything.''

''Are you not that type of person?'' Jamie asked curiously.

''The type to bring an attractive older woman back to my bed? Oh, I'm definitely that type. All the time. But, not with married woman…well, there was one time, but then her wife joined in.''

Jamie burst out into laughter once more. ''Really?''

Logan kept her lips sealed and replied with a sly wink. The action alone was enough to catch Jamie's breath. She couldn't believe that Logan was so blunt and open about wanting her in such a vulgar way. Jamie had thought that she was past that stage in her life where she could turn heads, even if she wasn't married. Yet, Logan's eyes didn't lie. She was interested. And Jamie was flattered. But, she couldn't. The time wasn't right. And it was just a sweet offer from another person to help her in her time of need. There was nothing more to it than that.

Somehow, the excuse that she had a husband wasn't considered in Jamie's mind. Still…if she wasn't married, and circumstances were better, would Logan have been more suggestive with her flirting?

The thought made Jamie very curious.

Jamie felt that she was letting her mind drift too deep into uncharted territory. She quickly changed the topic and patted her hand down on the couch. ''I think this will be suitable to sleep on.''

Logan quirked her brow at the older woman. ''No way, you're taking the bed. I may be rough around the edges, but I'm not going to let my guest sleep on this crappy old thing.''

''Oh, so you're going to get me into your bed after all?'' Jamie teased.

''Yep, all that space to yourself.'' Logan smiled back, holding her nearly empty bottle up.

Jamie brought hers forward and they clinked them together. They finished what was left and sat in silence for a short while longer. Jamie's soft gaze sent chills down Logan's spine. ''Thank you for this. It's nice to have a quiet moment with someone for once.''

Not wanting her hardened exterior to falter, Logan tilted her head to a door behind the couch. ''That takes you to the bedroom. There's a door on the left. That's the bathroom. It's small, but it does the trick. Sometimes. You might need to give the sink a kick before you get running water.''

There was a tiny voice in the back of Jamie's mind that tried to convince her to test the waters a little further. However, she didn't want to push her luck. She was being offered a bed and roof when she really needed it. She didn't want to lose that to indulge in a fantasy. Logan was just being kind and supportive. They had set boundaries. Nothing more was going to happen between them. Jamie had to accept that. The yearning for excitement and freedom would have to wait a little while longer.

''Good night,'' Jamie said as she walked to the bedroom.

''Don't let the bedbugs bite,'' Logan called out. Jamie paused and turned to glare at the fighter. Logan raised her hand and snickered. ''That was a joke. It's not that bad.''

Jamie rolled her eyes and entered the bedroom. It was quaint. Hardly enough room for two people to get overly comfortable. Yet, Logan claimed that she had a threesome in here. Is that the most she's done? Jamie tried not to think about that. She had too much on her mind already. She just wanted to have a good night's sleep and forget about what happened before she met Logan.

Standing at the foot of the bed, Jamie slowly brought her hand into her back pocket and grabbed her phone. She lifted it before hesitating. She was motionless as a dozen questions flashed before her eyes. Her heart was now racing for a different reason. There was one name and number that she wanted to call. Jamie tensed as she looked at the screen and scrolled down to find the number she was looking for. This was the closest she had come to tapping on the call signal for over a year. A slight twitch would have been enough. She sighed and quickly set her phone down on the bed. It wasn't the time or place. She didn't know what to say. Her mind was too fatigued to be ready for that conversation.

Hopefully, normality would be restored by morning's light.


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