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Commissioned by Lionheart

All characters in this story are over the age of 18

''And that's why I've come to you…''

A million memories swept over Ginny like a tsunami.

During her time at Hogwarts, she didn't know a single person who didn't have some kind of interest toward Hermione Granger. The brightest witch of her age had many admirers. Unbeknownst to Hermione at the time, Ginny was one of them. How could she not fall for the remarkable witch? Her intellect was unmatched by her peers. There would be times when she would embarrass her teachers with her knowledge of the magical arts; an outstanding feat for a muggle-born witch. Ginny had lost count of the number of times she admired Hermione when they shared a class. Over the years, that admiration had blossomed into a full-blown crush. Ginny had dreamed of them being together.

But, it wasn't meant to be.

Ron was there first. Ginny didn't hold a grudge towards her brother. She was happy for him. It was clear that the two had an unexplainable spark, even if they got on each other's nerves sometimes. Yet, Ginny could never completely rid herself of that pain in the pit of her stomach that reminded her of what could have been. It could have been her seeing Hermione walking down the aisle and putting a ring on her finger.

It could have been her starting a family with Hermione. Although, Ginny had been puzzled as to why the couple never tried for kids. They had talked about it once they were officially married. Ginny liked the idea of becoming an aunt. But, that never materialized. The thought of turmoil going on behind closed doors gripped Ginny. However, she cast those thoughts aside. She didn't want to stir any unnecessary drama. Perhaps it was just a case of waiting for the right time.

Now, Ginny knew that wasn't the truth.

Here, Hermione was standing before her after coming to her house in the dead of night with a request.

This request had completely caught Ginny off-guard.

Hermione and Ron had been attempting to start a family for years, but have struggled. The bright witch didn't go into too many details and Ginny didn't probe. Who knows what the reason was for the two of them being unable to conceive? It wasn't for Ginny to pry. Either way, Hermione couldn't have children with Ron. She couldn't become a mother. So, that's where Ginny came in.

''How long have you been thinking about this?'' Ginny asked.

Hermione exhaled slowly. She began to pace back and forth as she tried to muster the right words. ''When it became clear that Ron and I weren't going to be able to do this ourselves.''

''Does Ron know about this?''

''No.'' There was a long pause between them. ''I still love him so much and he wants to be a father so desperately. To not have children would break his heart…''

''So, he's going to believe they're his kids and not mine?''

It was a question that Hermione didn't need to answer. Ginny was fully aware of what was being asked of her. And the worst part was that she wasn't against it.

Ginny Weasley being Intersex was originally a fact that only a select few of her close friends from Hogwarts knew about. It didn't change anything for them. She was still the tough and headstrong Weasley girl who would defend her friends and had a knack for explosive spells, albeit with more finesse than someone like Seamus. The Wizarding World was far more tolerant of people like Ginny than the muggle word. A concept that did dishearten the Weasley family. But, Ginny never let it drag her down. She continued with her studies and her life all the same. She was still one of the heroes who helped Harry Potter defeat Lord Voldemort. And she would eventually go on to become one of the greatest captains to play for the English Quidditch team. Although, being a superstar meant that her secret would have to come to the surface at some point. Ginny did that her way. She was still Ginny. She didn't spill all of her secrets. But, it was enough to inspire those with positivity and confidence. She had fans who didn't care in the slightest bit about Quidditch.

Yet, all through it…Ginny still thought of Hermione.

Her bright best friend was the first to know about her outside of her close family. Hermione didn't treat her any differently. At that stage in their life, they were too young to think about stuff like that. They wanted to learn magic. But, when they reached their teen years, and Ginny started to see Hermione in a new light, it led to some…awkward situations in which Ginny would have to subtly place a pillow on her lap to hide how she felt toward Hermione.

The important thing was that if Ginny wanted to, she could get someone pregnant. If they did what Hermione wanted, she could give her children.

Was it also what Ginny wanted?

The redhead sat on her sofa, leaving enough space for Hermione to join her. Hermione was silent as she patiently waited for Ginny's response.

''Why me?'' Ginny finally inquired.

Hermione was surprised. Ginny's expression wasn't riddled with anger or disgust, but instead, curiosity. She thought there would be more fire. Ginny wasn't always quick to temper. But, if injustice had crossed her path, Ginny wasn't afraid to get her hands dirty to make a right. It was a quality that Hermione cherished about her closest friend.

''I trust you more than anyone else I know.''

''Even Harry?''

''I don't want to make this a competition, Ginny. It's…you were the first and only name that came to mind when I knew what I needed to do.''

Ginny gulped. ''You do realize what this means will happen between us?''

Hermione nodded. ''As long as you'll still be my friend, I don't care. Please, if you are even the slightest bit against this idea, tell me and I will put this whole thing off.''

This was supposed to be the part where Ginny would jump at the opportunity to shut down this outrageous idea. Ginny opened her mouth to speak before stopping and thinking. She did so again; repeating the action a few times before looking away and contemplating in silence. Hermione could see the wheels turning. She tried to hold back a smile as Ginny's brow creased.

She always looked so cute when she was deep in thought.

Hermione didn't know why she thought of that. Her emotions were running wild after her proposition. She understood that if Ginny agreed to this, they were going to become extremely intimate. What would that mean for their friendship? What would that mean for Hermione's feelings? She loved Ron. She also loved Ginny. But, differently…



Ginny's answer was quiet. Hermione had almost missed it. It wasn't until the redhead turned to lock eyes with her.

''I'll do it. But, no one else can know about this.''

Hermione nodded. There was

no turning back now. ''Shall we go to your bedroom then?''

They did so without saying a word. Hermione's body was buzzing. Was this really happening? It didn't feel real until they were finally standing in Ginny's bedroom. Her athletic friend had been single for quite some time. She had dated men and women in the past, Harry included. But, they never amounted to anything. Ginny had recently stated that she preferred the single life. However, Hermione could almost feel the tremble in her friend's voice whenever she made that remark. It never felt completely true. It saddened Hermione to think that Ginny hadn't found the one yet. Who wouldn't want to be with Ginny Weasley? She was an international star. She was drop-dead gorgeous. Tough. Kind-hearted. If Hermione wasn't already taken, she'd almost consider…

No! She's with Ron. It was too late to dwell on what-ifs. She had to focus on what was happening now.

In her effort to get back on track, she surprised Ginny by cupping her cheek and pulling her in for a passionate kiss. Ginny was startled upon feeling their lips crash together but eagerly returned it. The hot and searing embrace deepened as their tongues intertwined and their hands began to roam each other's bodies. For Ginny, it was like a never-ending barrage of fireworks was going off inside of her body. She had often wondered what Hermione's lips would taste like. Her breathing became more rapid as Hermione started to trail her kisses away from Ginny's mouth and down to her sharp jawline. Ginny moaned with pleasure as Hermione peppered her neck with sweet kisses and licks. She ran her hands down Hermione's back, finding herself drawn to her friend's enticing backside. When she gave the plump rear a firm squeeze, a soft moan escaped from Hermione.

''Ginny…'' Hermione gasped breathlessly.

Ginny pulled away slightly to catch Hermione's gaze. ''You really want this?''

Hermione was slow to answer; not because of any hesitation regarding her wiliness to go through with her plan, but because she was entranced by Ginny's low and husky voice. It was a tone she had never heard from the redhead before. It left her spellbound.

Pun intended.

''I do.''

Momentarily, Hermione flashed back to her wedding and those same two words she uttered toward Ron. No, she couldn't become distracted. This was the only way. This was not just for her, but for Ron as well. She was certain that if she let Ginny take control and have her way with her, she would get pregnant. Suddenly, the idea of Ginny doing whatever she wanted with her left Hermione feeling dazed and excited beyond words.

The air in the bedroom was thick and hot. Hermione felt sweat flow down her back beneath her dress. She couldn't take this anymore. Her clothes were suffocating her.

They didn't need to say anything as they understood what the other person needed. As quickly as they could without the use of wands, they hurriedly undressed. Whilst stripping every piece of clothing off each other, they continued to kiss. Just as Hermione had predicted, Ginny was aggressive and rough. Hermione didn't mind in the slightest. She enjoyed this more forceful treatment. When Ginny wrapped her arms around her waist and pulled her closer, Hermione felt her breath being taken away. When Ginny kissed her, it was with enough strength to make her head tilt back slightly. When their skin touched, Hermione moaned into Ginny's mouth. They had hardly done anything and yet Hermione couldn't recall the last time she had felt her heart race in such a way.

Between kisses, Hermione's eyes would wander and take in the sight of her friend's nude form. ''I see all of that Quidditch has paid off.''

Ginny smirked at the compliment. Her physique was toned with biceps and the hint of a six-pack on her abs. Her breasts were smaller than Hermione's. Ginny wasn't going to complain about that, especially when she got the chance to gawk at her friend's busty chest. She couldn't resist reaching out and palming them. Her rough groping elicited more moans of pleasure from Hermione, who eagerly pushed herself forward so that Ginny could grab her wherever she wanted. She wasn't going to let Ginny have all of the fun. Hermione reached down to grab something else. Ginny hissed through gritted teeth when Hermione's hand found the prominent bulge that was visible underneath her pants. Even when it was concealed, Hermione could tell that Ginny was packing something incredibly big.

If this didn't get her pregnant, she didn't know what would.

The clothes shredding continued as they stumbled their way to the edge of the bed. Hermione almost fell back, but Ginny was there to catch her by planting her hands on Hermione's hip. At this stage, the only piece of clothing either of them had left were their undergarments; Hermione's wet panties and Ginny's tight boxers. For a moment, Hermione stared in disbelief at Ginny's pants, wondering how they had ripped considering the size of the tent that was straining against the material. Hermione was never one to look at gossip magazines, especially ones that concerned her friends. However, she had caught one or two stories about lucky women who say they got the chance to become very acquainted with Ginny in the bedroom and one common theme that was brought up was Ginny's size. When the redhead finally pulled down her boxers, causing Hermione to gasp in amazement, the bright witch understood that those rumors were very true.

Ginny's cock was enormous; bigger than anything she had ever seen or that she could comprehend. It was almost as if she had a third leg. The length was hard but unable to stand due to its immense weight and size.

Before Hermione could think about touching it, Ginny impatiently leaned forward and wrapped her lips around one of Hermione's nipples, causing her to throw her head back and gasp loudly. Her fingers danced through Ginny's fiery locks. After a sharp turn, Hermione fell back onto the bed, taking Ginny with her. Despite the new position they were in, Ginny never stopped kissing all over Hermione's breasts. She would take one nipple between her teeth and tug gently on it while the other was being pinched by her fingers. Hermione's soft whimpers filled the bedroom, reverberating off the walls and signalling to Ginny that she was doing a fantastic job. The sensation of Ginny's tongue lavishing her hardened buds was making her back arch and her toes curl. Ginny's thumb brushed over the other nipple as she cupped and sucked harder than ever before.

''Suck my tits, Ginny.'' Hermione moaned.

Ginny grinned as she bit Hermione's nipple. She never would have imagined hearing such vulgar language from Hermione, and in such a sexual manner too. Ginny's cock was throbbing with anticipation. She couldn't wait to ram her cock deeper inside of the woman she had been crushing on before she even knew what crushes were.

Ginny's strength was then put on display as she grabbed Hermione by the waist and forced her to roll onto her stomach. Realizing what was happening, Hermione glanced over her shoulder and lifted her ass, giving Ginny the perfect view of her perfect rear. One of Ginny's hands stroked Hermione's back. As her fingers traced down the arch, Hermione felt shivers. This experience was out of this world. No lover had ever made her feel this way. Even her husband.

No. No. Hermione couldn't think about him now.

Why not? Wasn't that the whole point of this plan? Hermione wanted Ginny to give her what Ron never could. But, why Ginny specifically? After all, Ginny even asked the question earlier about Harry being a potential candidate to breed her.

Breed her?

Hermione didn't know why her mind phrased it in such a way. It was such a dehumanizing term. Yet, it seemed fitting right now in this position with Ginny looming behind her. The idea of Ginny breeding her was more than appealing. It was all that Hermione could think about. There was never any doubt in her mind that Ginny was the only option to do such a thing to her. Hermione didn't hesitate when she strolled to Ginny's house and practically offered herself to her dearest friend. She trusted Ginny with her life. No one made her so vulnerable and strong at the same time.

Was it always like this? Or, was Hermione only just now discovering what Ginny meant to her?

Hermione couldn't dwell on those thoughts for too long as she saw Ginny kneeling behind her, moving closer as she grabbed her throbbing cock and brushed it against her soaked entrance. Hermione tensed. This was real. Ginny's cock was touching her pussy. If Hermione was remembering correctly, she's had dreams about this scenario. More than one. Since Hogwarts, Hermione had been curious about sex. But, she didn't want it to show since she had unwittingly earned the reputation as the good bookworm of the school. She dared not consider showing this side of herself to anyone…other than Ginny.

But, she could never tell her friend about the times when her dreams would take on a life of their own and she'd envision herself in bed with Ginny. It just wasn't meant to be.

The seconds dragged on and Ginny was still not inside of her. Hermione whimpered and her hips began to move of their own accord. She was bucking against Ginny's shaft, desperate to feel it penetrate her. But, Ginny held strong and kept Hermione locked in place by holding her by the waist. Hermione was frustrated but also turned on by the action. She was under Ginny's control.

''Relax,'' Ginny whispered in that throaty tone once more.

Hermione trembled in response. Ginny leaned forward and moved a few loose strands of Hermione's hair to one side of her neck before planting faint kisses along the back of her shoulder.

''I'm going to ease inside,'' Ginny said. ''I want you to get used to me before I fuck you.''

Hermione gripped the bed sheets so tightly that her knuckles were turning white. No dream from her hormonally charged teenage years could compare to this moment. Hearing Ginny's voice like this was leaving her utterly bewitched. Blissful sighs slipped out of her mouth. Before long, Ginny was starting to thrust, rubbing her cock up and down Hermione, coating her shaft in the woman's slick wetness.

For Hermione, this was unbearable and amazing.

''Ginny…please…'' Hermione moaned. ''I can't wait anymore.''

When she wasn't looking, Ginny shot Hermione with a sad smile. ''Neither can I.''

Slowly, Ginny pushed forward and plunged her cock inside Hermione's pussy. Inch by inch, her massive length reached newer depths inside the awestruck girl. Hermione had never felt anything so big and so wonderful. It wasn't uncommon for her to conjure dildos of any size to keep her entertained whenever she was alone. But, nothing could compare to Ginny's size. It stretched her out fully. Hermione braced herself as Ginny took all the time that was needed for Hermione to become accustomed to her thick girth.

''I've got you,'' Ginny purred, stroking Hermione's body, hoping to ease the tension she felt.

Sweat poured off Hermione's skin as she pressed her face into the pillow to stifle her moans. Her arousal was off the charts as Ginny kept pushing. Hermione could scarcely believe that she was able to take Ginny's entire length. Her pride was only overshadowed by the incredible pleasure that was erupting throughout her body.

Finally, Ginny was now fully inside Hermione. Her tight pussy was clenched tightly around the base of her cock. Hermione looked over her shoulder once more. An aroused expression was etched across her face. ''Don't hold back.''

Ginny smirked. ''I won't.''

Her hold on Hermione's waist was strong as she began to thrust, slowly at first, before gradually increasing the speed and strength of her thrusts. Hermione moaned, but never looked away despite the growing intensity of Ginny's pounding. She wanted to watch the redhead fuck her with everything she had. Her body was like a work of art in motion as she slammed against her ass over and over again. Hermione could feel the girl's massive balls swing and hit her thigh repeatedly. She could only imagine how much cum was churning inside of them. Without a doubt, Hermione was going to be pregnant after tonight.

Then what?

Hermione wanted to think about that question. However, her mind was melting as Ginny relentlessly fucked her. They were both becoming lost with lust as Ginny crashed against her, pressing her down onto the bed. Hermione clawed at the pillow and tried to suppress her cries of pleasure, but to no avail. Her pussy was clenching and squirting around Ginny's dick. There was no shame. This was more than either of them could have ever hoped for. Hermione's ears buzzed as she listened to Ginny's ragged moans and growls that concurred with every thrust. It was such an animalistic display. Hermione wouldn't have traded it for anything in the world.

''Fuck! Ginny! Fuck me! Yes, fuck me! You're so big!''

Ginny almost responded verbally. She almost let it slip that she had longed to hear Hermione say those words. But, she bit her tongue and kept that to herself. This wasn't the time to drown the situation with needless drama. Ginny was on a mission. She was going to breed Hermione at her request. This was for her. This was for Ron. While Ginny didn't want to think about her brother while pounding his wife, she couldn't help but think about how this was going to change everything. Despite what was said, they were never going to be able to go back to how things were now that they had come this far. Ginny had fulfilled one of her deepest fantasies.

If this was the only night she was ever going to spend with Hermione, she was going to make it count right down to the last.

Her hips bucked like a blur, ramming against Hermione's ass with unbelievable speed. Her strength and stamina were second to none on the Quidditch pitch. So, she took that and applied it to the bedroom.

''Ginny! Ginny!'' Hermione cried out endlessly.

At some point, Hermione had cum. She couldn't tell when. She was too busy riding out the highs of her orgasm on Ginny's dick like there was no tomorrow. The squelching sound of her pussy getting thoroughly pounded was almost as loud as her screaming. But, even as she went through her euphoric delight, Ginny didn't stop. Her powerful thrusts rocked Hermione to her very core. It was like stepping into heaven for the first time over and over again.

''Cum inside me!'' Hermione begged. ''Please, Ginny!''

Ginny wasn't going to deny Hermione's request. She could feel herself getting close to the edge. She lifted one leg so that she was only on one knee and pulled Hermione back before fucking her mercilessly. Hermione's screams returned. Ginny fucked her hard and rough. Hermione looked back to watch her. The bright witch's face was drenched with sweat. Ginny had never seen anything so hot in her life. Seeing Hermione in such an erotic state was enough to push her past the peak.

''I'm cumming!''

Ginny grunted and pushed the entirety of her cock as far into Hermione as she could go. There was a split second when Ginny worried about condoms. She had worn them often when she was with previous lovers. But, the whole point of tonight was to fill Hermione to the brim, and she did exactly that. When she came, her load was heavy and in no time, Hermione's insides were filled with Ginny's seed. Ginny gave her a few more forceful thrusts, ensuring that she pumped every last drop of her hot cum inside of Hermione.

Silence fell upon them. The only sound they could hear was their heavy breathing, and that was enough to make their ears burn. This wasn't just physically exhausting, but emotional too. When Hermione tilted her head to look up at Ginny, her gentle gaze and satisfied smile made Ginny's heart skip a beat. If Ginny didn't know any better, she would say that was a look that was shared between couples.

Did she give Ron that look?

Something triggered Ginny at the thought.

Hermione was taken by surprise when Ginny flipped her over once again so that she was now on her back. ''What…''

Ginny's aggressiveness had been taken to the next level as she climbed on top of Hermione, hooking her legs up and mounting her in a mating press position, whilst never breaking eye contact. The fire in her had returned.

''We need to make sure, don't we?'' Ginny grinned coyly.

Before Hermione could say anything, she was captured in another hot, searing kiss. She felt Ginny's cock rubbing against her entrance once more. There was still cum leaking out of her pussy when Ginny thrust forcefully and rammed her cock back inside of her. The bed beneath them was creaking loudly. For a fleeting moment, Ginny worried that they were going to break it. However, she soon realized that they didn't care. They could destroy every piece of furniture in the house for all Ginny cared. The only thing that mattered to her was getting to make love to Hermione all night long. She was going to fuck her. She was going to breed her. She was going to love her just as she had always dreamed she would.

Hermione's eyes rolled back as Ginny buried her face against the crook of her neck and nibbled on her skin, no doubt leaving a hickey in her wake. That was going to need an explanation tomorrow. Hermione didn't want to think about tomorrow. Tonight was all that mattered to her. She clawed her nails down Ginny's back, returning the present on her neck with markings of her own. If she knew Ginny, she wouldn't mind in the least. She'd wear them like badges of pride if she could. Hermione felt her whole body bouncing as Ginny slammed up and down on top of her.

It didn't stop. Just when Hermione thought this was the end, Ginny kept going. Hermione had lost count of the number of times she had cum. The intense rhythm didn't cease. Hermione had a feeling that Ginny would be burning with stamina. But, this surpassed all expectations. Ginny could probably go on for days. As much as Hermione wanted that, she knew that she wouldn't be able to keep up. Plus, she would have to return to her home life and act as if this had never happened. Ginny would no doubt have filled her with enough cum to result in a baby arriving nine months from now.

Tomorrow…they will have moved past this.

Why did Hermione's heart ache so much at the thought?

She was married. She was happy with her husband. This was only to ensure that they would have children. It shouldn't have meant anything more. Ginny was just a friend…


Ginny fucked her more urgently, making Hermione's toes curl yet again. The sweet spot was claimed by Ginny repeatedly. Her brow was drenched with sweat. It reminded Hermione of those times she had met with Ginny after her Quidditch training sessions. It was a good look for Ginny. Then again, she never had a bad look. Hermione would still get butterflies in her stomach upon seeing Ginny.


Oh no.

Hermione's emotions were a complete mess. It didn't help that Ginny was fucking her so intensely and so wonderfully. And the sensation of Ginny emptying herself, pouring her entire load deep within Hermione's pussy was unspeakably delightful. Hermione nearly lost consciousness. The only thing keeping her from drifting into darkness was her name coming out of Ginny's mouth. And as the two of them climbed down from the heights of pleasure, Hermione cupped Ginny's face before kissing her. Ginny's eyes widened. Something was different about this kiss. She couldn't tell how or why, but this kiss made her stop. Hermione soon realized the implication and separated their lips. Now, the two of them lay together in stunned silence. Their bodies were entwined as they panted heavily and in unison.

''So…what happens now?'' Ginny asked.

For the first time in her life…Hermione didn't have an answer.


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