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I kinda want to know what you feel about this whole thing.  Whether everything is good, or maybe something is bothering you, or expected more or something else. 



may i ask, why you don't do gif moment of climax/ejaculation?


It's just impossible to make it look good in Koikatsu. I tried a few times, but the result was super bad. I wish I could though. That'd be great.


Yeah, that's a good idea. I've thought about this before and definitely will start doing it once I'm done with what I've planned.


Can I upload some screenshots on my pixiv? It's based on your Scene files. but I'm not upload a Scene file, just captured GIF or something like that. Can I ? I'll post that SS's source is you, of course.


Alright. I guess it's fine. As long as you don't go too hard on using my scenes (aka post every single one of them :DD) and mention me with a link I'm okay with that.


So, to anyone interested, I know that I've said in the READ ME that I'm was against using my scenes and posting screenshots of them on your media, but now that I've thought about it, I'm okay with you doing that, as long as you don't abuse it too much (means don't post too much/ too often/ a lot of them) and meantion me as a scene creator with a link. Thanks.