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Alright.  It's about to happen.  Strap in.  I've got popcorn popped, time set aside, and this movie will be watched.  Fair warning, my bar is set pretty low on this, so I may be a little bit...uh...Nathan about this.  If you love the movies and franchise, I hope I don't destroy all your hopes and dreams.  Then again, who knows?  I've been wrong about One Direction, Taylor Swift and a ton of other things I've been introduced to, so...let's see where this goes.  Bring it on!


Twilight - Complete Movie (Nathan's Reaction) LIVESTREAM

That's right - you heard it. I'll be watching the entire movie in one sitting, start to finish. I'm nervous about this one, because I know that there are a lot of fans, and I have a hunch that I won't like it...but it is what people voted for me to watch.


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