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Nathan here. I hinted at an announcement in a recent video, but I keep forgetting to do it, and I'm inside-ouside-upside down busy with life, blah blah blah.
I really suck at being consistent.
On that note, I'd like to take another swing at the various series (plural) I've left behind. I got most of the way through House of the Dragon, 2 episodes into New Girl and one movie into Twilight. Not to mention The Boys, Star Trek and a few other series Ryan and I have yet to finish. But I digress. It's embarrassing, and I feel bad that I haven't kept up. I'll be away from the channel for all of July, and I wanted to make an effort to record something before I go away for a month. I can only do about 2 or 3 episodes worth of content, so I figured I'd ask y'all here for your advice on what to record.

Option 1 - Finish HOTD. I think there's only two left. I should have done this ages ago.

Option 2 - New Girl episode 3. Need to give it one more chance.

Option 3 - Twilight - The Next One. Whatever it's called. Again, cuz I said I would.

And Option 4 - Scrap all that and start another one! Why not?

Lemme know what you think. I posted this in Discord as well, but the peeps in here pay to be here (most of you) so I'll be listening a little closer here ;)



I'm sorry to hear you won't be putting out Supernatural episodes until August. That means I'll see you then as I'm not interested in any other content. Enjoy your summer break.


I vote Twilight or HOTD