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When my daughter was in 7th and 8th grade we lived on a small base Dahlgren, Va. they attended a DOD school... Department Of Defense School. They had the greatest teachers and high standards... I loved it... One of the programs my daughter took part in was called Pier Mediators... it is where the kids learned to solve problems on their own without always going to a teacher or adult to solve a problem. It was excellent. My kids always joined the off beat clubs and extra caricular activities. My Daughter was in Pier Mediators, the Chess Club, Crime Solvers Club, Drama Club and Helped in the Library instead of going to recess etc. My son was in the Chess Club, helped in the library, the Japanese club, Fencing and the Guitar club. My kids were both High medical needs kids and so most of the time they were unable to partake in PE or Sports related things. They had to take medication at the schools with the school nurse. Although on base they didn't have a registered nurse so they had to come home to take meds and go back. The base was small and all the housing was within walking distance to the school. But I feel you on other kids parents and sometimes feeling like you are the only normal one. You take pride as a parent when your child gets it and explains to that person on the slide that maybe if you don't want to slide down right now you could move aside and let someone else have a turn... or something to help. And learn how to talk to the other kids and not go running for that adult everytime and get a rep as a tattle tale... when it is not needed. Becoming that tattle tale is like becoming the boy who cried wolf... if you are getting an adult/teacher for every little thing, then when you really need someone they will think it's not that important and blow it off and get their in their own time instead of rushing if it was of major importance. OK.... getting off my soap box now. 😎😏🥰😁


I hate I missed the live stream, but love that I have something to enjoy on a lazy Sunday. As always, love your reactions to GG!