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We are happy to announce that we can start doing live Q & A sessions again! 

We'll have Chibi, Rainbow, Falcore together and Bat will host.

Wednesday June 23rd at 4PM EST.

Ask us anything ya like! 





Hell yeah!




Here's a question: At the beginning of Pale, the sound fiddling with the old tape recorder was made by you or was it a stock sound effect from somewhere?


Yaaaay! But Boooo because I will be busy at that time. Is there a way we can ask questions ahead of time so we can watch later and get our answers? Thanks for doing this! <3


I’m not gonna be able to make it while its live as I will be working on that day and time. If I can post my question on here that would be cool.


Question for the Q and A, I don't think this has been asked yet: If you were introducing your band to someone new for the first time, which song would you recommend them to start with and why?


Question for Q and A. If the band had a high end budget (like NIN, Rammstein, ect) for their live show, what would the live show look like?


Here's my question: Oceania is my favorite song. Where did you get the inspiration for that song? Does it have a meaning to you (how do you associate with it)? And... can you sing that when you visit Seattle? Ok... that was three questions... my bad. :P


I love Oceania too. Almost seems like it could be a short story


Question for the Q and A: As you guys have been together for a long time now do you still get the same thrill from recording and playing live as you did when you first started and how long do you think you'll carry on for?