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In Hunter x Hunter 54, Fortunes x Aren't x Right?, Hisoka gets his gum all over the Phantom Troupe (?)




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I wanted to comment on this when you first asked, but didn't want to risk any spoilers so waited until this episode to talk about it! What kind of philanthropic work do the phantom troupe do? For one, hxh states that the troupe don't do what they do for money, so it can be a fair assumption that they donate their riches to Meteor City, their home. Chrollo admires the spoils for a while before donating everything to the community, or so the theories go. How is Meteor City still in such a terrible condition despite this? Well, it's a massive place with complicated infrastructure and 10 million inhabitants. I remember reading a theory that they funded the biohazard suits, as well as building the most basic necessities, like a medical center. Another maybe more obvious thing: They take on the military's jobs when they are unable to fight their targets. Being as strong as they are, forces are quick to commission them as it's 9/10 times safe to assume that the troupe outmatches the target in strength. Also, I wonder if part of the reason why Meteor City still looks relatively the same is also because the troupe may feel a certain link towards the place they grew up, and don't want to risk changing the city to the point it's unrecognizable to them, but idk about that. I wrote this a little while ago so I can't distinctly remember what's canon and what's a theory, but if anyone wants to correct me or add anything pls do so! Just think it's super interesting regardless.

Anya Mcghee

Only time Alex didn't say "what are you" to kortopi


Yeah it's becoming clear that there's a much higher cause than just "steal and kill." The meteor city thing makes sense given their connection to it, everything we've heard about it, and Chrollo's short flashback

Sam B

Jersey New, the armpit of the Hunter world.

Chris Sharpe

Honestly, I think it would have been better if Hisoka never sent that text to Kurapika. Not because “ignorance is bliss” is the right way to go about things, but he just seemed so happy before that happened.


It's kind of like when someone dumps you and you go through the whole crash and start to recover, only for them to contact you again and immediately jump back into the same mistake, maybe even deeper this time cause of how bad it hurt


Did you notice Hisoka's little emoji face? I love it lol


17:50 Leorio's line to Killua is, word for word, the same thing Killua told Leorio during the Hunter exam for another situation when Kurapika refused to go for a kill. Just a quick language nerd comment haha


Chrollo met all the needed conditions in that conversation with Neon when she read him his fortune in order to steal her ability. There were no other scenes we didn't see.


I recently drove to New Jersey to pick up a car for my cousin, where resident New Yorker myself was quickly reminded how awful it is to drive there. Your Jerseynew comment actually made me choke on a pretzel. So we can reasonably assume Chrollo stole Neon’s ability during their conversation, as all of the necessary conditions were met. He asked about her Nen and she gave an answer, he saw it in action when she gave him a fortune. She wrote the fortune inside his book, so it can be assumed she touched the handprint when he passed it to her, and it was all done in under an hour. The questions Chrollo asked Nobunaga are assumedly conditions for Neon’s ability. Also, I believe this is around the time in the manga where we first learn about Meteor city. The first mention during Canary’s backstory was all anime original, which I think was a great addition.

Andre Tan

Chrollo’s and the rest of the troupe’s backstory have only just been released in the most recent chapters of the manga unfortunately


Jerseynew is hilarious omg

Szandor Kane

The power of a pact with oneself is, as you say, not to be underestimated, both for the negative and positive. In the past I used to make little pacts like "I won't watch my favourite show unless I finished project X before" all the time. What it resulted in, for reasons that were unbeknownst to me partly out of my control, was that I neither finished projects nor got to watch my show AND felt bad about both in the process. One has to be really careful and understand what it is that motivates one best before trying to make such a pact. That being said, my last, biggest one was not to get a dog before I could prove myself that I can take care of myself, then another life second, so I 'vowed' to lose a certain amount of weight and get healthier before I would consider getting a pet. Long story short, it's been 8 months and I have lost around 60 pounds, only about 15 away now from the goal I set to allow myself the canine company, hah. Might be random to mention that, but it's relevant to the pact topic AND I can also take this opportunity to thank you for your help in the matter - I need something to distract me fully while working out every day and your videos have provided entertaining and engaging distraction while re-experiencing my favourite shows for years now, hence why I also subscribed to Patreon to rewatch all of my favourites that you reacted to, ATLA, FMAB, JJK and of course now HxH. So thanks, keep up the great work!


Congratulations on the transformation and wishing you the best for your soon to be canine companion. [Edit: missed opportunity for saying "Kane-ine companion"]

Szandor Kane

Ayyy, thank you very much! And I didn't even consider that since I tend to just forget that this is my old google account name and I don't know how to change it, haha.


Wow that's awesome! I'm really glad to hear that :D It's inspiring. There's nothing quite like that feeling of progress