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In Hunter X Hunter 24, Killua entertains his father with his stories. Milluki bores everyone he comes into contact with.




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Jason Serrano

Honestly the closest irl equivalent that I can think of the Zoldyck family is probably the Kardashians lol... not counting the assassin part ofcourse. Just a famous family with alot of drama lol


You mentioned Ozai & Zuko - Killua’s dad is like if Iroh was the fire lord instead of Ozai.


I interpreted Killua returning as a reaction to his failure to choose his friends. He found something and wanted it for himself, but when illumi pushed he crumbled. So I see his return as a ‘how can I really be free if I can’t even hold onto the things I want’ ie his friends. The promise to his dad could very well be setting up for the same thing…killua decided to live on his own and how he wants. If he fails…well the zoldycks will be right there waiting to accept him as one of them. Daddy Zoldyck is a very mean mean man


I don't know why this didn't occur to me earlier but we've had celebrity crime families before. That's as close as I can get

Chris Sharpe

When Meteor City was mentioned as a place where you can dump anything, it was implying that included people, including Canary herself. It makes sense that a group of assassins would hire people with blank backgrounds, but it is also very sad for Canary that she had such a lonely life. I think the reason why Silva (daddy Zoldyck) let him go is partially because of what you said. In order to truly do well in the world, they can’t just be blind monsters led by a narrow dogma, they need to have a broader perspective. While there is greater risk of Killua leaving them if they let him out in the world, he also can’t truly become the head of the Zoldycks with just what he was taught as a child. He needs greater perspective to be a true family head.


Iroh was kind and gentle toward Zuko and truly wanted Zuko to become his own person. That's not what Silva wants at all, so I'd have to disagree. Silva is like a smarter and more tactful Ozai.


I don't know how Goodwin just goes around meeting these people. I think I've led a decently interesting life, and maybe the people I've met just have secret other lives I haven't been part of yet, but wow... Anyway... 6:08 "Bitch" was a bit surprising of a subtitle there. It was just 'yarou' in Japanese. (generic "person-I-don't-like." It's usually modified as like kuso-yarou ("shitty+___") or baka-yarou ("dumb-ass") or less intensely, kono-yarou ("this schmuck"). It's not gendered exactly, but if anything, the 'rou' is kinda masculine. It's the same 'rou' as in 'Tanjirou' or the baseball hall-of-famer 'Ichiro.' Little sad story, but Meteor City is actually based on a real world location in the Philippines called Smokey Mountain. It was in the slums of Manila where people could and would throw away anything, and it accumulated over 2 million metric tons of waste, some of which was flammable, resulting in unpredictable fires and garbage pile collapses that killed untold hundreds if not more of the people living in the slums who relied on picking through the waste as their only available means of income. It was shut down more than a decade after HxH was first published, and is now in recovery, but it remains a very prominent example of some of the worst results of government neglect in a developing economy.


1. What in the Drakengard is with the music this episode? 2. "I'll be a good loving dad so Killua will love me and return home" Is this a bad person's good plan or a good person's bad plan?

Gabriel Ribeiro

Interesting thing I didn't notice the first time watching. The theme music of the Zoldycks is a choirs singing their name, the rest I don't know, seems latin


this made me laugh so hard oh my god you’re right


There was legitimately good fatherly advice there - even if he is betting on his return.


Another episode, another handful of manga facts. Almost the entire first half of the episode is actually anime original. In the manga, we get one page of a part of the conversation Killua and Canary had while Killua was in the tree. The rest, from the majority of that conversation, to Canary's fight with the intruders is all original. As far as anime additions go, I think this is a very strong one. I think someone mentioned it last episode, but Kalluto (Killua's sibling seen with his mother) is actually a boy. It's never really made super clear, other than "he/him" being used when referring to him once or twice, but it's easy to miss. This may also have been pointed out, but the Zoldyck kids follow a cool naming pattern. from oldest to youngest their names are: Illumi, Milluki, Killua, ******, and Kalluto. Each of their names has "llu' in the middle, and their names connect at the start and ends. This means that despite the last kid not yet being named, you can technically figure it out thanks to the pattern.


It is indeed Latin. :) Zoldyck est dominus.