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Hey guys!

Things are going to be a little weird for the next few weeks since I'm taking a long overdue trip to the US for a wedding and to see family. This mainly affects Steins Gate and Jujutsu Kaisen.

I was hoping to film the most recent JJK episode before I left, but unfortunately, ran out of time, which means I will be posting 3 JJK episodes as catch-up when I return to Korea (the week of November 13th).

I also decided that I'm going to hold off jumping into Steins Gate because it felt weird to get started and then take a long break.

Instead, I decided to do extra episodes of Hunter x Hunter for 2 weeks, and pick up the following week with a JJK catchup, then go back to the normal schedule with Hunter x Hunter, Steins Gate, and JJK the week after.

So the schedule will look like this:

This coming week: Hunter x Hunter (3 episodes)

Next week: Hunter x Hunter (3 episodes)

The following week: Hunter x Hunter (2 episodes) + JJK (3 episodes)

The week after that: Hunter x Hunter (2 episodes) + Steins Gate (2 episodes) + JJK (1 episode)

In other words, the schedule will be a little lighter than usual for a bit but will resume to normal soon. (This also mostly applies to middle and top tier, JJK to all tiers). 

And then a life update:

As I've alluded to in a few videos now, I recently was offered an interesting opportunity that I couldn't turn down. It's a very strange position and difficult to explain but it's something like an assistant job to the CEO of a very large Korean company who wants someone around him at all times who can speak English fluently and be a traveling companion.

I started around a month ago and so far it's been a really interesting experience. It feels like a new world in many ways, and I'm meeting and establishing connections with top CEOs and officials in a way I've never previously had any exposure to.

I'm also happy to report that doing both that and videos simultaneously has been quite manageable a lot of fun, and even energizing.

BUT, although I have plenty of free time, I can't always choose WHEN I have free time since the schedule varies from week to week. This means that for shows currently airing, I can't always post them immediately after their release. You may have noticed that JJK episodes have been coming out at random times. This is the reason.

Going forward I don't anticipate any changes to videos or the overall schedule, but the timing of currently airing shows like JJK or Spy x Family might be all over the place for the foreseeable future.

TLDR: Short, HxH exclusive schedule for 2 weeks, then JJK catchup, then back to normal.

Thank you for reading this overlong info dump to this point, and thank you for your understanding!

Also I will be doing a poll soon for Steins Gate: sub vs dub.



Congrats on the new job!

Mike Donohue

Man what a cool opportunity. Glad to hear you’re diving head first into that! Those extra HxH eps will be a treat, maybe it’ll get so good you have no choice but to keep the 3 a week 👀


There actually is something really appealing about the idea of focusing exclusively on HxH for a while :)

Aidan Pullen

Wow that's great! I have to admit I was scared for a second you were gonna say you need to stop or drastically slow your videos! I'd really miss your stuff so I'm glad you're able to find a balance (?). Either way it's super cool to see you get an opportunity like this!


Congrats on the job man sounds like an awesome opportunity to learn all types of things! Also watching the next 3 JJK episodes in a row sounds pretty hype.


I was conflicted about it but what helped me was the decision to try it out and see if it was manageable. I'd sooner quit this new position than stop making videos. But counterintuitively having a more rigid schedule has made it feel even easier in some ways. So many details of decisions come down to the intangibles it feels. The only difficulty so far has been the timing of JJK since it's currently airing, and also simultaneously preparing extra for a trip to the US. Some lessons have to be learned more than once, and in regard to balance, as soon as I started, I realized that there's something this job provides me with that I was missing. I love making videos but in practice it's extremely solitary. This gives me a social outlet that is also productive and novel, as opposed to aimless partying and socializing to try to fill the gaps.

Mike Donohue

I think the story does have the biggest impact when it’s either binged/or at least given appropriate attention. Especially later in the show, but you’ll know when you get to the point where it’s impossible not to click “next” Regardless, what an exciting development and time. Got a great job, and you’re watching some damn good television


On the plus side - new job means new life experiences to draw from for the parts of your reactions where you like to impart your own views and encounters.


I didn’t realize you were even reacting to steins gate, take your time I’m just glad you’re gonna eventually get into it


"It's a very strange position and difficult to explain" Pick what sounds best: Valet Adjutant Gentleman's gentleman Retainer Squire (I like this one) Attendant These sound a bit more exciting than "personal translator". Hope you're adequately compensated.


Great news all around imo, enjoy your trip!

Aidan Pullen

Yeah that's really great to hear. Needing some good social outlets is something you've mentioned quite a bit, so it's cool you found something that can also be productive for you.


Glad to hear you're doing well and progressing in your professional life man. Enjoy the long overdue vacation


Congrats dude! That’s an amazing opportunity and I hope you make the most of it! And as always, thank you for keeping us updated


Best wishes to you and your family in the States :)


You can't go wrong with HxH


I really hope someone chronicles all this, because Goodwin lore keeps expanding!

Marina B

Congrats on your new job!! It sounds incredible and like a great opportunity :)

Ruma Risto

Congratulations, Alex! Your new job sounds fantastic. And enjoy your stay in the States.


Ah yes, this is the choice of Steins; Gate.


Congrats mate, Excited for your new job, even more wild experiences and lessons to draw from>

Zein Sy

I was a little scared thinking you were going to have to stop to focus on work but I'm very glad to hear you are getting opportunities like this. Hopefully the balance of work is manageable and I look forward to watching more.

Szandor Kane

That sounds like a really interesting and unique job, never heard of something like that! Glad you're doing well then and I'm not gonna complain about more HxH in the slightest.


congrats on the job and hope you have fun on the trip! was wondering about aot which is releasing on saturday, is that in the schedule at all?

H_Camp 128

What about AOT?


I do love the dub of the main character in steins gate <3