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In Hunter X Hunter episode 12, Last Test x of x Resolve, the group faces their most difficult challenge yet: surviving 50 hours in a room with everyone's rank BO.




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Leorio is actually a teenager 🙈..


I think it'd be especially impressive to see Goodwin do some of the headstand pushups, haha.


Half this episode was our boys sitting in a single room, and I loved every minute I also always thought the same thing you said. Hisoka was the first one through about 60 hours before they came though the door and he just sat there on the cold stone floor the whole time, while they got futons and tv and books. Very unfair lol


the way killua was prepared to unalive everyone but bring gon along despite not even knowing him that long is so cute in such a strange way lol


It's possible (albeit unlikely) that that was an intentional part of the test.

Chris Sharpe

Honestly, I find a lot of Leorio’s traits endearing. Even some of the horny stuff, since I feel that other pervert tropes make ordinarily super likable characters less likable (as a Sanji I know the pain). He honestly just feels like a normal dude in the exam and feels like a bit of an audience (and Goodwin) insert since he basically calls BS on all of the Hunter Exam rules. He’s crude and unrefined and I’ve grown to love him for that and there’s a lot more for you to see.


Also the next episode Ep.13 is just filler/recap, could skip directly to Ep.14


It's kind of hilarious the way things hit you sometimes. It ends up being a sweet moment despite the extreme murderousness of that situation.


gon and killua are so sweet! I love seeing their simple bonding moments 🥹

Chris Sharpe

Yeah no judgments on your current thoughts though. I didn’t started out as a stan for him either.


i guess for killua he immediately felt a connection as they’re both the same age and also doing something as ridiculous as the hunter exam. i think you mentioned in the episode that somewhere in there killua really is just a regular sweet kid despite the environment he was raised in. I’m sure under his circumstances he had a rough time actually connecting with anyone “normal”. And Gon seems to be his very own kind of weirdo honestly all of this death is going on around him and he’s just like yupp let ‘em cook hahah. On one hand it makes their relationship all the more endearing thinking that Killua is somewhat already attached—and yet we can only imagine how that attachment could also be an issue in the future.


Episode 26 is the same as 13 in that way, but thankfully, it's also the last recap episode.

Emman Reed

awesome reaction and I'm surprised how quickly you are starting to see the whole picture and the undertones of the Hunter Exam Arc. Can't wait for next week!

keyton bush

weird question but do you wear a cpap?