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In Vinland Saga 2x13, the motley crew left behind by Ketil and sons have their peaceful dinner interrupted by slave Jesus.  




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Chris Sharpe

*looks at video* *40 minutes* “LET’S GOOOOO!”

Chris Sharpe

In regards to a lot of your thoughts on “Love your enemies”, it’s strange how that works and how strange it sounds. I enjoy looking at history because it is almost like a scientific study on humans. It’s weird, when I see all nations, all people, all cultures, all religions perpetually making the same mistakes and causing wars and conflict, I feel sort of…. content? As weird as it sounds. It stems from the idea that we are not that different from each other, and we all tend to make the same mistakes and have the same impulses. This means that throwing intense hate at people for their religion, nationality, or ethnic background looses all meaning, because all of this conflict comes from the same place. Animals do the exact same stuff, destroying other environments, killing other animals, yet there is no malice behind it, it is simply a survival mechanism. I think this ties into the “Short term benefit vs long term benefit” thing you mentioned, with animals just having short term benefit. So I think when we portray this kind of behavior in humans as something deep and vile that makes us worse than animals, it misses that it is just coming from the same place, not because our “enemies” simply think the wrong way and they don’t understand our totally perfect philosophy, but is an issue of objective safety and securing the futures. In that sense, we all want the same thing.


It's like 2 am and I cannot begin to comment on your discussion at the end because brain no work. But there's something so wholesome yet uneasy about the relationship between Snake and the tree-chopping bros. For one, they're slaves, and we're led to expect that they be universally treated with disdain. So when Snake just straight up doesn't care, I almost get the feeling of "where's the catch". But knowing what we know about all of them as characters, seeing them just chilling, eating, and laughing together is a vibe that season 1 could never have dreamed of. Closest I can think is when Ragnar led Thorfinn to discover soup that one time. How far we've come. 😭