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In MHA 6x23, Deku vs. Class A, six seasons of friendship come together when Deku's classmates come together to save his soul and question his strange aesthetic choices.




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What I love most about My Hero is that EVERYTHING comes full circle. Everything. Even what seem to be the smallest things. I also teared up when Iida grabbed Midoriya's hand. I don't think they did it in the dub, but in the sub they mention how Ingenium always reaches out to take the hand of a lost child - which I think hits hard, because that's exactly what Deku is.

matthew bremmer

The invisible girl shade never gets old.


There's a huge bit of foreshadowing in this episode for a big future reveal, but I can neither say what scene nor who's in the scene :) But for those who know, isn't it funny how they did that?


I don't even remember if it was in the manga or if it's just the anime, but either way, it's super cool! I thought they'd hint at the HUGE reveal this season, but it also makes sense to wait until next season.


The moment I finished watching this episode I was pumped to see your reaction to it! It's so interesting to me that Izuku's compassion and desire to protect basically drove him to a form of madness when mixed with the trauma of the war. Plus the "Now it's Your Turn" reference from All for One seemingly put the fear of god in Deku. Personally, I have a difficult time choosing between Froppy, Ingenium, or Great Explosion Murder God Dynamite on who was the most touching "speech", but I think Bakugo comes out on top in the end. Such an emotional episode!

Matthew Richson

And Goodwin yes, this was the first time we saw Thirteen’s face in full.


And no we've never seen Thirteen before! I love her (their? she's used masculine language) pretty starlight eyes.

Matthew Richson

She/her, the localization of the School Brief light novel’s did accidentally refer to her as a guy.

Jabez Katsak

I’ve read the manga and I have no idea what you guys are talking about. Can someone explain this to me? (With a spoiler warning for anime only viewers of course).


I got so many feels from this episode. Also, one thing I haven't seen many point out, is that the last efforts to catch Deku with the ice ramp and flying is literally the same plan Deku came up with to rescue Bakugo when he was captured by Shigaraki. Obviously with improvements because the whole class is there. But Deku said it had to be Kirishima to reach out for Bakugo, and in this scenario Bakugo let Iida be the final one to grab Deku's hand. So more reminiscing!


Some of my favorite stuff from the series, feels like the culmination of EVERYTHING. A little frustrating how controversial these chapters were in the manga because "oh Deku is so cool now, don't make him lame again so soon after making him cool." "Class A shouldn't have stood a chance, why didn't Deku just one-shot everyone in half a second." etc. Like, I think at that point, you're reading the wrong series.


Yeah I enjoyed this arc but give me "old" Deku any day,plus the growth of course, especially if this is the way he gets brought back. The one-shotting thing is odd cause he's clearly not fighting them, just trying to escape, plus is at 1 HP

Skyler Anderson

Man, this is my first time seeing the dub episode for this episode and they really did it justice. Sometimes the sub will follow dialogue through the manga and the dub changes things to make it sound more natural but they absolutely crushed it this episode. I literally was crying harder than when I originally watched the sub. Iida saying the meddling when you don't belong line absolutely crushed me. Such an amazing callback and the biggest character growth moment for my favorite character Bakugou. Such a great episode.


*SPOILERS* Gonna take a guess and say they’re probably talking about that group shot of the kids after Deku passes out and how it has certain two of them separated from the rest.

Chris Sharpe

The dub is amazing, plus the music during Bakugo apologizing is so riveting.

Chris Sharpe

Thirteen’s kinda hot


lmao i was a bit of a mess during this episode and i admit that i had tears in my eyes but i still stopped and went, "Oh wait, shes hot"


I forgot to mention this last episode on Patreon, but in the recap at the beginning, the original Japanese is Bakugo's best pun of the series, so now you all must suffer through it. "All-Might wannabe" in Japanese is "All-Might Kidoriya." K-idoriya. Get it? Eh? I'll see myself out. I really liked the Iida impression at the beginning. :) Very curious what you think Uraraka will say next episode. She's clearly going to say something--the episode title alone says that much--so, what do you say to either Deku or the crowd to get him to stay at UA? They've brought him here, but like Yaoyorozu said, that's just the first hurdle.


This episode has me very conflicted. Can Deku beat all for one alone? maybe. Will he win with the help of others, yes. But how many are gonna die doing this. I have no knowledge of the manga and have luckily not heard anything related to anything spoilery but i just know that someone or multiple people are gonna die, including people from Class A most likely. Deku needs their help but i fear they are going to have to die giving it to him.


I don't have a solid answer yet but thinking about Uraraka just now, I remembered that her first stated motivation for being a hero was to help her parents financially. I bet that's been updated quite a bit


Seems very possible. Personally I think that they know what they're getting into, at least to a sufficient extent to make that decision for themselves to risk their lives (they can't really fully know abstractly what's coming). But another way to look at it is that there's no guarantee they're safe if Deku doesn't come back to UA. Yes, they're not targeted, but if Deku falls and AFO gets his powers, they probably end up dying fighting a futile battle later anyway

Revin MacGrath

I personally love Iida's and Bakugo's speech. Iida makes me tear up when he starts crying, and just everything Bakugo said, even calling him Izuku by name for once.


I started crying from the very start xD hearing Koda say more words than i think he ever has, and he sounds so desperate to reach Deku


Exactly. It sounds cold to say it this way, but the options really are risk dying together, or risk dying alone. There is no such option of "no one gets hurt." That's terrible and grim, but knowing what choices they do have, I think they make the right one.

Emma Root

"Deku you saw me when no one else would" I hate that they cut that emotional invisible girl scene, had me crying more than Bakugou's apology or Iida's moment


Personally I've come to love your slight contempt for Invisible Girl. It's like you can see right through her.


When the episodes first come out on the weekend there’s a official vote on who is the MVP of that episode. For example Bakugo won for 6x9, Dabi for 6x11, Deku won for 6x18 and 19 etc. Can’t remember how far this goes back but they have done this for many seasons of MHA. But for THIS episode Class A won. It was the first time that a group of people won the vote and not just an individual. And I think that’s soo fitting and beautiful!


Is it just me or does this video format doesn't load that well? A lot of times it freezes every 30 seconds andI don’t think it’s my internet connection...


Hmm.... it worked for me just now on a different computer than the one I watched on yesterday. Not sure what it could be.


Thanks! I usually watch it on the app on my phone, I'll try something like that.


Minus Yaoyorozu, it came down to the same key people involved in Bakugo's rescue. Todoroki building an ice ramp in both cases, and Deku/Bakugo letting a closer friend of the other do the actual reaching out.


I instantly thought of you when I watched this and realized that Invisible Girl was useless


In truth, I did feel bad for her, because everyone else got to say something, but her and Deku actually didn't have any meaningful interactions and her power was kinda useless in this instance. But I was more shocked that Aoyama didn't get a moment, because he's actually one of Deku's closer friends. Random 13 face reveal! I had the same double take reaction, I wasn't even sure if we'd ever learned her gender before? And the civilians continue to suck. Being a hero is clearly not for me, if it were me, I'd just let them rot, ungrateful bastards. This is the emotional highlight of MHA for me, I highly doubt anything that comes after will be able to top Deku vs 1A. That said, Uraraka's true moment comes next episode, but that still belongs to this little arc in my opinion.